Chapter Nine: Adventure

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Ron kept his stand, fighting against the enemy but they weren't giving up. They kept attacking him until he began to worn out. Ron wasn't in his full strength due to the fact that he was pregnant but still, he fought off the enemy as much as he could. A brawl on his left side is what brought him to his knees. He gasped and shielded his stomach to prevent any coming brawls but then that only gave the enemy other places to attack until he was laying down on the ground.

"We should finish him. He has injured most of our men and I can't leave him breathing." A voice growled when the attacks stopped raining on Ron's body.

"Yes we should kill him." Another agreed and Ron trembled in fear on the ground. Fear for not him but for his child he was carrying and not forgetting Maria.

"You can do what you- Oh shit! Someone's coming. The girl has been collected, let's leave now." Another voice, that had authority in it, said and soon enough they left Ron on the ground and run towards the woods.

Ron heard the sound of a car pulling up and then running footsteps as they approached him. He smelled his mate before he was turned around and faced him. Charles looked worried and seemed to be talking but Ron heard nothing. The little strength he still had, that kept him conscience, was slowly leaving his body. He began having hard time to keep his eyes open and when he couldn't hold on anymore, he passed out.

Charles had not planned to go home late but things he couldn't control happened at the office and held him back for some hours. He had tried to go home early but he couldn't leave things as they were. He felt that something was wrong but ignored the feeling and it wasn't until his heart began racing that he knew something was wrong with Ron. He ran out to his car, ignoring Sanjay's calls and sped home.

The sight that greeted him was one that he never expected and he was torn on either following the attackers or attending to his mate. He chose the latter as he picked Ron up towards the house, to their room and called his werewolf friend, who was a doctor at a private clinic, to come check on Ron.

The doctor arrived as soon as possible and attended to Ron all night. He had lost a lot of blood which made it difficult for his body to heal properly. It was through this doctor that Charles learnt of the pregnancy and how close the mated couple was to losing their unborn child due to the injuries on Ron's body. Thankfully, by morning, Ron was showing some changes as his body healed both naturally and with the help of the medications​.

By noon, Ron was conscience and the first thing he asked was about Maria.

"I'm sorry. She wasn't here when I came home." Charles answered.

"It's all because of you." Ron accused as a tear fell down his cheeks. "I was all alone, Charles. If​ only you came home early, this wouldn't have happened."


"She's just a baby. Who knows what those wolves will do to her?"

"I'll go and get her home-"

"This isn't home, Charles." Ron shook his head. He had a far away look in his eyes that got Charles worried. "Home is where my pack is. I'm not used to living away from the pack and after what happened, I want to go back home, Charles."

Charles understood his mate and he found himself nodding. Charles had moved away from his pack to learn business from Zach at a young age. Living away from the pack was no longer an issue to him because he was used to it. But for Ron, a beta, to be away from his pack was too much for him. And yesterday, Ron was all alone facing an enemy which is something he wasn't used to do. It was always with his pack, having each others backs and not alone.

"It's okay, I understand. I'll go get Maria back and we will go home together." Charles said and exited the bedroom.

The doctor went inside the bedroom to check on Ron.

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