Epilogue: His Accidental Love

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"I'm home!" Charles shouted just as he closed the front door. Squalling sound was heard somewhere in the house and soon enough, Maria came running to him.

"Is it done?" She asked while gripping Charles arms as strong as her little​ body could supply.

Charles chuckled at his daughter's impatience as she kept jumping up and down trying to get Charles to answer her. When the man finally gave an answer by nodding, Maria screamed and began dancing to whatever tune was in her head.

It was a few months ago when Charles went looking for the missing girl while his mate was on bed rest. After he came back that day with Maria, Ron and the girl were everywhere together. When Charles began preparations to leave for Ron's pack, he knew Ron wouldn't want to leave the girl behind so he started working on getting full custody of Maria which meant adopting the girl.

Finally, after waiting for months to get everything done, Charles and Ron had finally adopted the girl as their own and it was a news that everyone was anticipating, especially Maria. That's the reason of her shouting and screaming she was doing at the moment.

"Thank you." Ron whispered to Charles when he reached him. He understood that adopting Maria wasn't an easy choice for Charles but the man did it to make him and Maria happy. Charles had also risked his life to rescue Maria which was something that came up in Ron's mind now and then. Charles has done so much for him and he's glad to do the same for Charles anytime the situation calls for it.

"Your welcome, love. Besides, I think she will make a great big sis to our baby." Charles kissed Ron on the forehead before hugging him.

"So I can now call you dad and daddy?" Maria asked​ the embracing couple and Charles smiled while Ron sighed as he pulled away from Charles.

"Riah babe, I've told you countless times to call us that already. So please, stop asking." Ron said.

"I'm sorry, Daddy, I won't ask again." Maria smiled and hugged Ron's big stomach. Ron wrapped his arms around her too while smiling, obviously over the moon since he was called Daddy by Maria.

"Are you guys done packing?" Charles asked and Maria shook her head before running off towards her bedroom then suddenly she came running back out towards Charles.

"Thanks, Dad, for choosing me." The little girl said while hugging him real quick before running off again.

Ron laughed while looking at a stunned Charles that was still staring towards the direction where Maria left to.

"I don't know if I'll get used to that." Charles murmured and Ron smiled before leading his mate towards the kitchen.

The family had been packing there things and sending some ahead of them. They only had a few things remaining in the house since most of the furniture was being donated to the orphanage that they had been renovating. Now that Maria was officially their own, they had nothing else stopping their departure. They were boarding a private jet that was sent by Kenneth to collect his beta and family.

Ron was happy to be going back home, back to his pack lands. He knew a lot was waiting for him back home but he wouldn't care about it that much. He had Charles and Riah, plus any day from now, their child will be born. Other than giving birth, Ron was somehow dreading meeting the in-laws. Even though Charles assured him that they weren't that bad, Ron was still not looking forward to the moment. He's met Charles father a few times but that was as Kenneth's beta not a son in-law.

"What is it?" Charles asked when he saw Ron was being too silent.

"Nothing." Ron replied but Charles still looked at him in worry.

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