Chapter Four: Unintentional Affray

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Ron had just finished writing in his diary when he realized he had nothing else to do but wait until Charles got home. He left the diary on the couch and decided to walk around and see what else he could do. It was roughly 9am and he was already bored. He didn't want to look forward to the nine hours coming.

"Oh my...." Ron gaped at the overflowing dirty clothes in the laundry room. "I guess I found what I should be doing." He mumbled and began gathering the clothes. He didn't mind doing some laundry for his mate.

Ron danced to the music that was blasting on the radio as he cleaned the house. The laundry chore had turned out to cleaning and Ron loved every second of it. The music helped him relax and he completely felt at home. His phone began ringing and he quickly dropped the wiping cloth in his hands and reached for his phone in his pocket while walking to turn off the music.


"Hey Ron, it's Roman."

"Hi Roman. What's up?" Ron asked.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to check on you. How is everything? Are you alright? Did you meet my brother?"

Ron chuckled at the many questions thrown at him. Roman was his Alpha's mate and also Charles's brother since Roman was raised by Charles's family. It was actually because of Roman that Charles and Ron came to know each other. Charles had came to the central city to check on Roman after he had been rescued from a rival kingdom. Ron loved how caring Roman was and he told him how his journey had turned out and what he was doing at that moment.

"That's nice." Roman commented on the house chores Ron had been doing. "You know how to cook right? How about you prepare some lunch for him and surprise him at work, I'm sure he will love that."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, we haven't made up yet. I don't want him to think anything bad out of that."

"He will love it. I know my brother and he's not that hard to impress if you step on the right places. Just do that." Roman assured.


The call ended after exchanging a few words and Ron got back on cleaning. He had decided to not do what Roman had instructed but after finishing everything, he thought it best to do it since he had the time to prepare a simple meal and take it to Charles. He didn't know how to prepare many meals but he was confident on doing what he knew best. He cooked and packed the food to go. He even took a shower and dressed in his good clothes to look good for his mate.

The money Charles had left for take out food was used for transport since Ron had no car to drive and taking a cab was the best thing than a bus. His friend and also Charles's boss at the publishing house was the one who had dropped him off yesterday and he was grateful for that.

Ron had to call Sanjay to know if Charles was in his office and he was happy to know he was there. He had made the call before leaving the house and instructed his friend to make sure Charles doesn't leave the office.

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