Chapter Five: Unforeseen Alternative

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Ron spent the rest of his day sulking at a park he found on his random walk. After the word brawl with his mate, he knew going right away to Charles's home wouldn't be a good idea, so to buy himself some time, he spent the day at the park. Staying away from Charles wasn't the only reason he had to sit at the park but because he also needed time to himself. He had to figure things out on how it would go from here.

"You made my friends betray me."

Ron couldn't understand what Charles meant by that. It wasn't like Ron had just went straight to his friends to ask for directions. Ron had searched everywhere for him and he had gave up when everything he tried was impossible. The private investigators he hired to look for Charles would always quit after some months that Ron had no choice but to stop getting those to help him. He had looked for Charles in his own way and when he couldn't, even after asking Zach, he gave up and lived miserably. He had not expected Kenneth to help him out by getting answers from Zach but he didn't regret it either. In fact, he would do it again and again if things ended up that way as well.

Ron wondered if he should give up or not but the answer to that was crystal clear. He wasn't giving up any time soon because he was a fighter. A few words shouldn't frighten him to back away. Charles had welcomed him in his house and that meant something. He didn't shut the door on his face and that was a positive sign. Ron could only toughen himself up with the small signs that Charles had shown positive to his presence. Despite the argument earlier, which Ron dismissed it just as a heat of the moment, everything seemed to be fine and Ron had no reason to quit.

Laughter sounds caught Ron's attention and he gazed at the source. There was a man, a woman and a girl. The woman was pregnant and Ron concluded it was a family having fun at the park. How the three interacted made Ron's heart ache and once again he found himself lost in Charles thoughts.

If him and Charles worked things out, they would start their own family. Ron had always wanted to have a family of his own because he only had Kenneth to call family. But now Kenneth had Roman and their baby, which left him all alone. Charles was his only chance to build himself a family. Ron had to make sure their problems were cleared and sitting in a park wasn't going to help him. Ron stood up from where he sat and began walking to Charles's house. It was a good distance from where he was to where he was going but with determined strides, he began his journey on foot.

The sun was setting and Ron estimated he had been walking for an hour. He wasn't tired but walking had bored him enough to not walk anymore. He sighed in relief when he saw the woods ahead of him. He planned to venture into the woods and change forms, that way he would reach Charles's home faster. It was a good thing his neighborhood was surrounded by the woods. Ron smiled when he entered the woods. He walked further, away from prying eyes before deciding to remove his clothes in order to prevent them from being destroyed when he shifts. He was about to unbuckle his belt when his ears caught on to footsteps sounds and sobs.

The sound got closer to him until two men and a girl appeared before him. The two men were werewolves but the little girl was a human. She had quieten down her sobs when she noticed the men had stopped walking. Ron's eyes wondered to the two men who each stood beside the little girl before going back to the girl.

"Is everything alright?" Ron asked because he could smell fear from the little girl.

"Yes we are fine." One of the men answered.

"We are just taking our wondering niece back home." The other added.

"Okay." Ron nodded but didn't buy the lies. "Are you okay?" He asked the little girl.

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