[Shut up] Okita Sogou X Reader

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[This isn't based on any episode]

You were taking a nice nap in the park since its been raining lately and now the weather is perfect so you want to savor it.

Yet, you're dreaming that you're riding a horse. Seriously?!

You heard a loud voice.

"Oi. Granny you're not supposed to sleep here in the park. This is a public area. Go home granny." You were then violently shaken

"oi old lady wake uuup!" You slowly opened your eyes. And you thought you were greeted by an angel for a second. Not until he spoke.

"I said don't sleep here!" the man said. "Go home granny."
A vein popped on your head.

Who the heck is this guy and why is he calling me granny?!

"And who are you calling granny?! Do i look like a granny to you?! Can you not see well? And i'm not sleeping!" You said as you did a yoga pose and closed your eyes. "You see! Im medidating you dumbass!" You defended.

"Oh. Really? Then why do you have some drool right there? Oi granny quit fooling around. I've work to do." He smirked.

Oh shit. Way to go me.

You thought as you tried to wipe off the remnants of your sleep.

"Don't call me granny! And so what if i'm actually sleeping here?! I can do what I want!" You said as you crossed your arms. "-and look-" you said as you pointed to Hasegawa-san who is currently sitting on his cardboard box watching the two of you fight. "-he is the one you should get rid off not me!"

"Oi! This isn't a cardboard box! It's home sweet home!" Mada--Hasegawa-san tried to butt in.

"Tch. Since you're awake now, can you just go home? You speak too much." Okita said.

You tried to speak again but you just glared at him then started to walk. But before you could even leave the park he stopped you.

"Oi! Wait!" He catched up. For a moment you thought he was going to apologize for calling you a granny. And you were shocked when he did.

"I'm sorry." He told you while looking in your eyes.

"I-it's oka--" you tried to respond but he interrupted you halfway.

"You were that gorilla that escaped the zoo ne? It must've been hard coping up with humans. I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner. You poor thing." And with that he handcuffed you. "I am Okita Sougo, captain of Shinsengumi's first squad. Nice to meet you gori gori-san." He literally dragged you to his car.

"Oi! You crazy police where are you taking me?!" You screamed. He unlocked your handcuffs then started driving.

"Where are you taking me?!" You asked again. There was no response. You tried to open the door but it won't open.

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING MEEEEE?!" you shouted right in his ear. He suddenly stepped on the brakes which caused the car to stop and you hitting your head on the dashboard.

"F!CK, THAT HURTS!" you shouted as you touched your forehead.

"Gori gori-san, it's your fault for being too loud. I hate loud persons. Keep quiet or else i'll have to use other methods to shut you up." He said.

"Ohh. Momma help i'm so scareeed! NOT! Who are you to threaten me? And why are you even arresting me? What did I do? Did i do something? YES! I only slept in the park! Is that a crime?" You spilled the words out of your mouths incredibly fast.

"Shut up." He said in a serious monotone voice. It scared you a bit yet of course, you being the little couragious you...

"I won't shut up! See? CHUPACABRABIGFOOTUMAUMAUMAAAA SHINSENGUMIISCRAAA---" you were interrupted by Okita's soft lips.

Your eyes widened.

He's kissing me?!

He broke the kiss leaving you flustered.

"I told you if you won't shut up i'd have to use other methods." He said with a smirk.

"Why you?!" You managed to say even though your heart is beating four times faster.

"Besides I've been seeing you in the park since last week, well except those times when it rained. You know gori-gori san you should give chance to others too. You don't own that bench." He said as he started to drive again. This time his speed is slower.

"There's nothing wrong with going in the park for a week in a row bu---YOU WERE WATCHING ME?!" you suddenly shouted since the thought just hit you.

Instead of answering the question he kissed you again. A quick peck on the lips then he looked at the road again as if nothing happened.

"I told you to shut up. Don't shout!" He said nonchalantly while still looking at the road.

"So you're using that method to shut up anyone?!" You asked him. The thought of him kissing another girl pierced your heart. Though you surely want to pierce his head with a sphere or something at the moment.

"No. Only to old gorillas like you." He said it with his usual blank face.

You smiled.

"Okay." You said and after a while...

"OKIIIITAAAAA SOGOUUUU!" you shouted right in his ears.

I'm gonna make some noise so shut me up idiot

You thought.

He looked at you and you just smiled back at him like an idiot. He tilted his head and seemed confused which you found cute. After a second he seemed to getthe message.

He cupped your face then kissed you on your lips. This time you didn't look like you just saw the shogun in his legendary underwear. You closed your eyes and felt every second.

It was a passionate kiss and you wished the moment never ended.

"I told you to shut up. When will you ever learn?" He huskily whispered in your ear.

"I may be a loud person so..." you said coyingly. He chuckled.

"i'll be ready to shut you up Y/N." He said.

"You know my name?!" You asked surprisingly.

"Well, i have my ways." He said as he shrugged. (It seems Kondo-san infected him with his stalker virus 😂)

You were about to destroy his eardrums but then you realized...

"Okita Sogou?" You asked still not breaking eye contact with him.

"Yes, Y/N?" He said ever so sweetly.

"Who the f!ck is driving the car?!" You shouted. To which he responded...

"Oh shit."


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