[cooking] Kamui X Reader

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another one-shot about kamui.

I don't know why but I love to write about him these days.


When you got home from hanging out with Kagura, you were expecting to see Kamui, either sleeping or eating, what you didn't expect though, is to see him in the kitchen holding a knife with a sinister look on his face, and blood splattered everywhere.

You froze on your spot as you looked at him, cutting or rather, slaughtering something. If you hadn't known him, you'd probably freak out and shout at the top of your lungs then call the Shinsengumi, thinking that he is slaughtering a person but since this is Kamui, you cautiously walked towards him to see what he's doing.

"Y-Y/N?!" Kamui must've heard your footsteps, you smiled at him and kissed his cheek,
"h-hey. umm, what are you doing?"you eyed the counter top. There are vegetables and other ingredients on the table, "are you cooking?"

"y-yeah. I thought I'd surprise you by cooking dinner. I didn't know that you'd come home this early." he said as he continued to chop the fish. But at least now, he isn't making that weird face.

"oh yeah? I'm still surprised though. I never knew you could cook. I'm excited to try it!" you beamed, he then patted your head then chuckled, "go wait in the living room, I'll call you when I finish this."

You nodded but instead, you sat on the table and watched your boyfriend work in the kitchen. He looks so handsome wearing a pink apron, (which is yours), it's a sight that you could get used to everyday.


An hour later, Kamui finished cooking and you were ecstatic to taste the food, but it went away when you saw the actual food.

There on a large plate is Sushi. Or at least it looks like Sushi. There is also White Rice, (or for fair use, Black Rice, because it looks like it's been burned), and other side dishes which you can't even identify.

Now, you are surprised. because there is no way that these would actually taste like decent food.

You really didn't expect much since you knew that Kamui can't cook. So you weren't disappointed when you saw the results, but still, it'd be rude to not even taste it. Oh well, you just need to taste a spoonful and then you'll just ask Kamui to go out with you for dinner.

but it seems that your plan won't work, because when you looked at Kamui who is sitting in front of you he has a hopeful look on his face and he is smiling.

Kamui is fucking smiling.

Not the I-am-glad-I-get-to-kill-someone-today kind of smile

or the These-idiots-better-cower-in-fear-in-front-of-me smile

or This-is-the-last-face-you-get-to-see-before-you-die smile

but an actual genuine smile.

abort. abort. abort mission.

There is no way that you'd tell him that you can't eat what he cooked.

So with all the courage that you can muster, you took a bite of the sushi,

besides, it may look unappetizing but maybe it tastes good right?

"umm, so, how is it?" he asked,

and you fought the urge to grimace,

"i-it's g-good." you said while nodding then took another bite of the side dishes.

"really?" he asked, smiling brightly, and you were too overwhelmed to see him so happy like this that you can't help to tell the truth.

"yeah." you smiled back then kept swallowing, no, you didn't chew because if you just swallow, you won't get to taste the food.

"W-what are you doing?" you asked, when he went up to get a chopstick for himself then picked up a piece of sushi,


you immediately stole the piece from his chopstick then shoved it on your mouth, there's no way you'd let your boyfriend eat this and let him know that his cooking is terrible. You'd die before that happens. (which you think can happen right now because of food poisoning)

"hey! that's mine!" he said as you grabbed another piece he's trying to eat.

"nope. this is all mine." you said while happily munching the food.

you can do this Y/N, don't let Kamui know that even his cooking can kill people. no, no. You need to protect him, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. You're strong, gobble up all the food an—

"What the fuck?! this shit tastes like hell. Y/N why'd you said it was good?! Even the cat won't eat this fucking trash!" he said as he spitted a piece of food.

it seems that while you are internally encouraging yourself, he managed to eat some.

You grimaced, after listening just how many curses Kamui used in one sentence.

"w-well..." you trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"well what Y/N? you shouldn't have eaten those! god, I knew it, I was wrong to cook without even practicing in the first place." he mumbled.

"it's okay Kamui, y-you t-tried so hard and I thought—"

"wrong. You thought wrong. You could've died eating that shit!"

you giggled and this seem to lighten his mood because he smiled a bit, "Quit calling your food 'shit' Kamui. It isn't that bad, really. I'm still glad you cooked for me."

"yeah, yeah. The things I'd do for you. My comrades would tease me if they knew this."

"all because you love me." you said with a bright smile to which he returned,

"yeah, all because I love you." he said.


"now get out of my kitchen, you're banned here for the rest of your life. You cannot cook. You're better off just eating things." you said as you start to cook.

"mhmm, I guess you're right. I'll just stick to eating." he agreed as he watch you move in the kitchen.

"what'd you want for dinner?" you asked,

"anything, really. But I want Sushi, such a shame mine went to the trash can. But anything is fine. I'd eat anything... Fish, meat, tonkatsu, pork katsudon or—" he paused then looked at you while smirking, to which you only raised an eyebrow, "I could eat you." he continued, and your face resembles the color of the tomato you are holding,

this earns him a smack using a frying pan.

yes. a frying pan.

but to him it feels like he'd been hit by a pillow.


"shush, don't tell me you don't like the idea."


"oohh, see you're face is red, you want it don't yo—OW!"



is this a drabble? idk. 1,089 of plotless fluff for you guys. 

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