[I'm Broke] Gintoki X Reader

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You were at the Yoruzuya lazily hanging out with your long time friend, Gintoki.

You two had been friends for years already and you know more about him than any other girl.

"Oi, Y/N, want to go out and eat some parfait?" He proposed to which you agreed.

If anything, Gin-chan really love sweets. Though he may not look like it since he looked like a feral cat with a permanent lazy look on his face and dead eyes and a silver perm.

But you found everything about him cute and perfect.

"Yeah. I'm not paying though." You said.

"Whatever you say Y/N. If you're not paying then you're not eating any." He said as he went out.

"Tch." You said as you chased him outside.

"Gintoki! Wait up!" You said as you ran after him.

Even though he told you to pay for your own, he actually bought you one parfait.

"I'll be listing that. You'll pay me back." He said as he ate his parfait.

"Why can't you just treat your bestfriend?" You asked to which he just shrugged.

The two of you came back at the Yorozuya right after finishing your parfaits.

"Ne, Gintoki, it's lonely without Kagura-chan and Shinpachi-kun." You said while sitting in front of him.

"Those kids will be back later Y/N. They just needed to finish things." Gintoki carelessly said.

You just pouted then turned on the tv. You were focused on the tv show when Gintoki suddenly spoke.

"Y/N, I need sweets." He said.

"Then go buy some. I don't have chocolates here." You answered.

"I need something sweet! I didn't have enough sugar today." He said as he stood up from the couch then sat beside you.

"You just ate a parfait! Just how much do you want?" You exclaimed. His love for sweets is slowly getting out of hand.

"Tch. Give me some sweets Y/N. Pleaseeee." He begged.

"I told you go buy some! Go buy chocolate or something. The shop is just outside----" You were cut off by Gintoki's lips on yours.

Your eyes widened by his sudden move but later on you melted in his kiss.

"W-what?" You asked. Still shocked from what he did. You can feel your face heating up.

"They're sweeter than I expected." Gintoki said with a mischievous smile on his face.


"You told me to buy sweets. Well, I'm broke Y/N." He said with a smirk.

"So please cooperate and give me my daily dose of sugar." He said huskily right in your ears.

"W-what d-do y-you mean? Sakata G-gintoki just what are you planning?" You stuttered. Your faces are inches away from each other and you can feel his hot breath on your neck. You can literally hear your heart beat.

"Figure it out Y/N." Gintoki whispered again then he looked at you then gave a peck on your lips.

"Well, Y/N..." he said as he pointed on your lips. He slowly leaned then kissed you again.

"I love you Y/N. Damn, took me all these years to say it." Gintoki said when the two of you pulled away.

"Tch. I love you too idiot." You said as you kissed him on his lips, this time, the two of you hungrily kissed each other and both of you feels the longing for each other. You put your arms around his neck and wrapped your legs around his waist and Gintoki carried you to his room.

Well, this'll be a long night.

You thought.


On the other hand, Shinpachi and Kagura witnessed the whole thing.


"Well, for starters we can research for the baby's name." Shinpachi coolly said.

"What? Why baby? Is there a baby?" Apparently Kagura is too innocent to get it.

"Forget it. C'mon I'm sure we'll be hearing strange noises soon." Shinpachi said as he dragged Kagura out of Yorozuya.

"What?! Are there ghosts in here? Why? What about Gin-chan and Y/N-chan?!" Kagura protested but still being dragged by Shinpachi.

"They're possesed and they'll make strange noises. Don't ask questions. I'll buy you Sokonbu." Shinpachi said.


A/N okay this is trash loool. So, im sorry for not updating this. Also, for those who commented i just want to say i really appreciate it. :) i like to read your comments and know what you think. Im not after the number of votes or reads. Even if its only a few ill be always happy to know what you guys think. so yeaa. Sorry for the slow update. I'll update again tomorrow and on wednesday. I promise. Lol

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