chapter 4: maven

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its been a week since I tortured mare and every day I go down to the dungeons to check on her, I wish she could wake up. its mares birthday today, I knew we would be together today...


Cals Pov:

its mares birthday today, I wish we could be together. all I want is to see her smiling face again but whenever I think of her...i think of my dream a week ago, I shiver at the thought. "Oh Mare, I miss you so, so much" I whispered towards the sky hoping that the wind might take my message to her even though I know that's impossible, it's nice to believe.


Mavens Pov: 

I was getting ready for the long, hard day ahead. I hated doing this but I had to show who is in charge. about being in charge the court has something to say to me. I brush my hair and place my crown on my head and start walking down the hall to the courtroom. when I arrive the noise settles then stops. Evangeline speaks first "your majesty." she bows. "a red techy has found a way to hack into to ty system at the scarlet guards base." I Lean forward on my throne and smile." and where is this red?" I ask. the crowd starts to shuffle and Evangeline pulls a man. no a boy around mares age stumbles forward into the middle of the room. I stare at him as he looks at the ground then looks up at me with strength and fear. he reminds me of mare when she was first pulled into my life so strong but so small, so beautiful." 

"sir?" Evangeline asks "your majesty?" she looks at me with a concerned look and I answer with a cold look back "what will we do with the boy, your majesty?" she asks.

"keep him here until we are ready to use his....his work. give him a shower and a meal." I order. people look at me if I have gone crazy. have I? "boy." he raises his head towards me "what is your name?"

"t.t.thomas, your majesty." he stammers with fear. I draw back at the name of Thomas, as I remember years ago my friend......"Your majesty!" A sentinel ran into the room, bowed and said "the girl your majesty." 

"what about her?" I say in a stern voice

"she's stirring sir you said yo-"

I know what I said!" I yell "I will be there in a minute."  I think of what I have to do." come!" I order. sentinels grab his arms "he can walk freely." I said without turning around grabbed the boys arm and walked as fast as I could to get to mare. as we walked down to the dungeons I felt Thomas stiffen in fear his chocolate brown eyes widen as we stop in front of mares cell I see the sympathy in his face for her. I hide mine. I kept pulling him down to the lowest part we could go, it was all set up ready for what I was about to do. "do your thing boy." I commanded.

sorry this is so long I had so many ideas that I had to break this idea into two chapters hehe. this is one of my favorite chapters 

thanks for reading 


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