chapter 16: mare

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The familiar feeling of my power ran through my veins and into my hands. I didn't call it to my hands, someone else did. it felt stronger than it normally would, maybe it's because I haven't felt it in a while. But it feels different, evil, ready to kill. I stare into Nanny's eyes which are full of fear. " I'm sorry." I yelp just before my electricity rushed out of me and all over nanny. I couldn't watch, this is all my fault, everything that has ever gone wrong is my fault. suddenly my mind goes blank and my eyes start to close. The colonel has full power of my body. an unworldly sound escapes my mouth just before the world goes black.  

maven pov:

I wake with an almighty jolt, my sheets are tangled around me and there is sweat beaded in my hair, eyebrows and my mouth. The terrible taste of salty water is almost reassuring. The sound of a woman's scream keeps ringing through my head."it was just a dream," I mutter under my breath." just a dream, she's fine, mare is going to be okay, she is strong, brave, beautiful....." 

a soft knock on my door brings me back to the present. The clock reads  3:30 am. The dreadful time of the morning when Mare has her recurring horrific dream that makes her so weak, the thought that pulls her down,the horror that fires her flaming heart. Except Mare is not here on this dreadful tuesday morning, she is not the one dreaming and getting trapped in the tangle of sheets. I am, these are my horrors, my thoughts that cause the dark circles under my eyes, the dark circles that constantly remind me of my battles.

hey sorry its been so long i have had a terrible case of writer's block and have not been able to write anything down that sounds a tiny bit creative or interesting but i'm finally writing again  

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