Chapter 2

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"Yahhh sorry Mina I have to go, I have my part time job to get to, I would've stayed but then, sorry" she pouted and left. I sighed and walked towards my locker and kept everything inside and checked the mirror in my locker, whatever it is I am very particular about my appearence and i dont care what people say.

"Hey, i am here, lets get going shall we" *cheeky smile* (why does he have to do that? Soo annoying- Mina) "yah sure, let's start with gym first cuz like tomorrow first we have gym so dont forget to bring your gym clothes" i said and he listened with soo much of concentration that I could'nt help but think for a milli second that he is nice, obviously I pushed away that thought immediately.

After showing him half the school I was exhausted, our school is huge so it becomes difficult to walk around alot. I sat on the bench and drank some water to rehydrate myself. I did'nt realise that he was staring at me with a grin, creep.

"What are you looking at? Never seen a girl drink water before?" I asked with my eyebrow raised. "Hahaha no nothing like that, i was just wondering how can someone as gorgeous as you be soo cold hearted" I raised both my eyebrows and glared at him with an unpleasent look "who are you to judge me soo fast without knowing me?

" I asked. "Who are you to judge someone's aura soo fast without knowing them well?" He snapped back, he probably heard my conversation with Ji su, whatever like i care i just flipped my hair and got up and started to walk away.

"Hey answer me!" He grabbed my wrist and turned me around to face him and made me see him straight in the eyes, for some reason my heart started beating very fast, not cuz of love but cuz of fear. His eyes were fierce and i dont understand why..."H..Hey l..let go! U have no right to touch me!

" I jerked off his hand "Why wont u answer me then? Just because I get more attention than u it pisses u off right? *smug smile*" oh no he did'nt "How dare u, i've got no time for brats like u, go and scurry away to your place...whatever" i could'nt stand him so i marched out from there.

School was effed up, i hate him and what is worse is that he sits next to me, what is his problem, i just met him how can he even do that, ass.

I checked my phone cuz i was bored, looks like the weather is'nt very good tomorrow, it might rain, totally my weather but I better remember to take my umbrella.

*doorbell rings*

"Ahh must be mom and dad who knows" I went downstairs and opened the door and bloody hell guess what, tht ass was right infront of me with the same smug smile, i wanted to smack that smile off this handsome face.

"Hey, umm, i'm sorry (what? Did he just apologise?!-Mina) I should'nt have said that or done that to you, I just was hurt because I really wanted to be your friend in the start, your kinda cute(so? U wanna be my friend cuz im cute? Ass walk the plank please) but then you just kept on judging me" okay i do feel a hint bit of bad that i judged him cuz I dont think that he is THAT bad but whatever.

"Can I come in?" He asked me soo sweetly i could'nt say no X'(, ughhh such a pain man. He ruffles his hair soo cutely tho when hes nervous , shhh Mina this aint u shutup. "Sooo what brings you here?" I asked him cuz i was curious, u never know what he might be thinking.

"I just wanted to apologise, your parents arent home? Why r you alone? It is'nt safe" why does he care omg "I live alone and i've lived alone since i was 5, my parents leave early and barely come home from work so i practically never see them, they leave me notes and messages on what to do and thats about it." Why am i suddenly sharing my life with him?

"Oh wow thats sad no wonder you became grumpelstilskin (what is his problem omg - Mina) " "errr yah whatever im fine I dont care anymore" sad truth is that i do, it hurts but i dont say anything to anyone.

*flashback to when I was 5*
"Mina:Dad look i can spell my name!"
Dad:"Im busy, dont disturb me"
Mina: "But papa your not doing anything, also im hungry can I have food??"
Dad: "ughh such a nuisance, fine *makes eggs and breaks the shell and adds some pieces in the egg and gives wih burnt bread*
Mina: "papa why is this crunchy? It doesnt taste good and you burnt the bread too! Im hungry and your not serving me properly!
Dad:"You little twerp be thankful or go make your own food! Leave me alone its sad enough that u were born, i wish that our first child was a boy but u were born, dispicable"
Mina:"Okay papa, take care i will go to sleep"

I went to the living room and slept on the sofa which was my bed, I always wondered why he did'nt like me, i was a lovely child but he never appreciated me. Always kept me in the shadows, alone, i fought my life, alone... mom and dad always fought, he always hit me, he hated me, he wanted me dead, if it werent for his cousins he wldve killed me...,

I was an unwanted child with a tragic life, my mother loved me but couldnt give me time, she spent all her time comparing me to other kids and telling me how lucky their parents were to have kids like them, i hated being compared but I could'nt change her, my dad got me into depression 2 years ago and it was bad, there was a lot that happened that time and i couldnt handle it, plus i was tooo naïve so people took terrible advantage of me, it hurt.

I had nobody, i couldnt do it anymore, i wished I could die but death would not come easily for me. I cried myself to sleep every night. It hurt...alot, and even though i'm 16 now, everything is same, infact it's worse....

*end of flashback*

A/n: awwwww soo sad aint it? Depressing shit right there bro! Aish now what will Mina and taehyung do? *evil grin* keep reading and leave a comment and vote! ♥
I am soooooooooo sorry for the change of name! I did'nt like y/n so i changed it to Mina :P sorry if y/n is still written anywhere

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