Chapter 26

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Jimin's POV

I gasped seeing Taehyung carry Mina away, he put her into an unfamiliar car and drove off, obviously I did'nt stand there.

I took my bike because a car would be too obvious and kept a soft trail behind them.
We reached...Mina's home?

What is he doing here? Why has he come here? Taehyung...what are you doing...

He took Mina out who is still unconcious and locked the car. He knocked on the door 3 times and the door opened, he went in with her.

Obviously I won't enter the same way, mostly because 1. Too boring 2. Whoever opened the door wont let me in 3. I'm just too swag.

I remembered this window that would'nt close so me and Mina would play around when we were kids like romeo and juliet.

Good old days....I looked around the mansion and found the window. Bingo. I climbed in and saw the attic was stil deserted.

I peeked through the hole in the door to see Taehyung and saw him take Mina downstairs to the store.

I went down and slowly opened the door, he was talking to someone. "I brought the girl, now give me what I want." He says.

"Hahah, patience patience, you will get what you desire but not now." The man replies, his voice is slightly familiar.

"Listen old man, I did'nt trick Mina into thinking I love her and shit just for this, even though your her dad and all you killing her is sick". Tae said.

I gulped, he lied to her all this time? This sick little jerk, I wanna punch him. And that's her dad? Jerk ass. "Hahaha, she is my property I can do what I want with her don't teach me loverboy."

"Can you hurry up with what you want and give me with what I want so I can leave? I'm really tired." Taehyung said with an irritated look.

"Oh yah sure, tie her up for me so when she wakes up she does'nt run away." Tae without hesitation followed.

He tied Mina on the chair, I watched his sequence so I could untie her afterwards.

"Ah! Good job, Ji su darling would you please give the boy his reward?" Ji su?....So she really betrayed Mina....

Ji su walks towards Tae and points a gun at his forehead, "Are you ready for your reward?"

"What kind of joke is this? I did exactly as you told me, I want my share!" Exclaimed Taehyung.

"Hahaha, did you realllyyy think that I would let just anyone in on my plan? You know nothing, once I kill her I will take all the property and run away with my other daughter..Ji su"

Motherfucking hell am I hearing right? Ji Su is his daughter? Wtf....things are messed up in this family.

Mina's POV

I slowly started waking up, my head was bursting and the light in the room I was, was pretty dim.

I saw Ji su standing with a gun on Tae's head, my dad and me tied up on a chair....what's going on?

"Stop! What are you doing?" Everyone turned to look at me and my dads smile grew wider.

"Darling, you are just about to witness your betraying boyfriends death." I was confused to hear what he said and looked at Tae who continued to stare at me blankly.

"What..." I then remembered the scene from the park. So it was Taehyung who kidnapped me?... Why?...

"Tae why?" Tears welled up my eyes and he still looked at me expressionless "Because he never loved you darling, he was working for me this whole time." My dad snapped.

"W..working? I..I don't understand..b..but you love me..." tears were already down my cheeks at this point.

Still no reply from Taehyung. "Stop crying oppa or should I say sister, it does'nt suit you", she said still witht he gun on Tae.

"S..sister?" I looked at my dad confused. "Yes darling, she is your sister, the daughter that I actually wanted to have, sadly you were the one who got the attention and property so I had to hide her my poor girl did'nt deserve this, she was a much less burden than you."

I was really confused, did'nt he not want a girl to start with? "I know what you're thinking, but she my dear is a gem, she hated you just as much as I so I decided what the hay let's be allies."

He gave me a dirty smirk. This really hurts, I spent all my life for this man who never appreciated me, or never even loved me for a second. Jerk.

Suddenly I hear a blast, the sealed doors opened with a ton of smoke coming from them
6 guys running around like lunatics entered.

Tae took the gun from Ji su and pointed it back at her Ji Dwi aimed another at my dad. Omg how did they all come here?

Soon Jimin walked from the shadows and untied me, "Jimin?" I questioned, "i'll explain later."

I was looking at the scene extremely confused and I could tell so was Jimin "Let me explain" Namjoon said.

"After Jungkook told us what happened we decided to stalk Tae, since his phone was switched off me and Yoongi tracked down his last location.

He was found to be at his old house a little far from the city. We all went to the place the next day and found him on the sofa, sleeping.

Hoseok threw a bucket of water on his face and he wokeup instsntly, shocked to see us he tried to escape but duh we are all too many people and he could'nt.

Jin went up to Taehyung and forced him to spat out the truth and he blurted it out.

It seems that Mina's dad in the past had played with Tae's family that caused his dad to go crazy and pass away.

Tae wanted to take revenge on him by hurting his only daughter Mina, who did'nt turn out to be his only daughter.

Later on after spending time with Mina Tae found out that Mina's dad does'nt really care about Mina and wants her dead himself, so he decided to take that advantage.

He got close to Mina and figured out a way to get close to her dad, which he successfully did.

Mina's dad told Tae to kill Mina long before but he could'nt do it, you know why? Cuz he fell in love with her.

Mina smiled to herself at that last comment.

Anyways, he still needed revenge so he decided to get the man arrested by gathering enough proof.

So he decided to kidnap Mina and do a huge ass drama which you all clearly saw now.".

Everyone looked shocked and trust me I was more. I hugged Tae and he embraced me back still keeping the gun focused at Ji su. "Sorry I had to hurt you there for sometime" he smiled.

I smile back, "it's okay but don't you dare do that again!" He nodded.

Nobody's POV

Taking advantage of the mushy lovey dovey situation going on, Ji su took the gun from Tae's hand "So long sucker, you should concentrate more." and shot him.

Weirdly, the bullet did'nt hit him, it hit Ji Dwi...shocked to see she missed her target she took another chance and shot again, this time not missing and shooting Tae straight at the heart.

Distracted by Ji Dwi and Tae, everyone rushed towards them, Mina's dad and Ji su escaped.

"Don't let them get away!" Namjoon screamed, hoseok and Jungkook were on their trail.

"Don't leave me Tae and Ji Dwi...please" cried Mina.




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