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Dedication: @mojolover234123 bc CAMREN SHIPPER AF !!



Rowan had had enough of her girlfriend's Spanish. They had been studying it for about a month now, Sabrina now practicing for her tour and all. She needed to stop her someway or another and there was only one way to help her, or so she thought until her idea completely failed,

Rowan carried a cake that say, "Sabrina we love you but stop the Spanish lessons." Rowan thought it was the best idea there could be to tell her how bad she was in the sweetest (get it? get it?) way.

She had finally made it up until their hotel room in California. Sabrina was most likely already up. Rowan had walked out of the elevator and BOOM!

Her cake was all over the floor as she fell with the towel's cart the cleaning lady had. Rowan had to apologise about a thousand times for ruining the cleaned towels and then had to go shower while Sabrina was outside in the balcony.

So yeah, her first idea had not worked out like she wanted. But, now she had called her best friend; the one person that could tell Sabrina she sucks without feeling ashamed or bad. 

Rowan was pacing around by the hotel pool. She was wearing her pyjamas. Nobody was outside anyway and it was ten at night, everyone tired and sleeping.

Finally, her saver had answered the phone. She had never felt more relieved.

"Hello? Rowan what the hell it's ten at night, dumbass."

"Hello to you too, Corey."

The sweet fella laughed on the other line, moving around to get conformable. Rowan had a smile on her face, listening to Corey apologise and say loves her to the moon and back.

"Yeah yeah, Corey. Anyway, I need your help with something- or someone. It's super important and it might- no wait, it will make her sad and what if she cries and stop being what we already had?"

"Oh my gosh". Corey gasped. "You want to break up with Sabrina?!"

"What?! No you idiot!" Rowan laughed. "Her Spanish sucks and I need you to help me tell her. if you could just listen to her. Why is she even doing this? It's like there's a big fight between Sofia's management and Sab's."

"Row, maybe it isn't that bad..." Corey tried."Have you ever tried speaking it? It's a pretty hard language. She's having a hard time. Understand her."

And wow, Corey was so damn right. Rowan has been so selfish! She needs to speak Spanish with Sabrina to understand her and how hard it is for her to get it.

After a few more chats, they hung up, Rowan quickly made her way to their room, taking the elevator. She unlocked the door and there was her girlfriend, watching tv. Sabrina turned to her, opening her arms and letting Rowan crawl into them, cuddling close.

"Where were you?" Sabrina asks in a soft and sweet voice, kissing Rowan's head.

"Talking to Corey." Row answers. "Hey listen, I wanna try Spanish with you. We can help each other and learn together, you know?" Sabrina nods her head, taking the book from the night stand and opening up to a random page.

And so, they started together, Sabrina spoke first, telling Rowan some things. Rowan tried not to cringe as the girl spoke... but she needed to understand. It's a hard language, she could do it with a little help and support.

"Now you."

Sabrina told Rowan, making her get a slightly nervous, but why though? It's not like she'll suck so bad. Even if she did, Sabrina would be sweet about it and not say anything about it. So, she spoke,

"Me llamo Rowan. Tengo quince años." [My name is Rowan. I am 15 years old] 

She smiled, a huge grin on her face. Sabrina stared into her eyes, barking out in laughter after a few five seconds. Rowan raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh my gosh!" Sabrina continued laughing. "Your Spanish is so bad!"

Excuse me... Rowan thought. Did Sabrina seriously just- wow. Rowan felt extremely offended. She wanted to take that darn text book and slap it over Sabrina's face. She wanted to pull on her hair and NOT in the sexual way.

Sabrina was gonna die from hurt now. Rowan was gonna tell her how much she sucks in Spanish. She needed to know she freaking. aSS. SUCKS.

"Well, not everyone can be as good as you, babe."

Darn it. She had failed again...


It's a short chapter I know, but PLEASE READ THIS

-  my dad took all my electronic devices away. I can't write this story. "how did u write this, maria?" you'll ask. Well, I'm using the computer in secret. My dad will be home in a few and I needed to post something quick for you all.  I promise i'll continue this, I swear. I'll continue as soon as I get all my stuff back to be able to write.

- I also updated my other story, A Little Bitter, for the people who read that. :)

- follow my instagram, bottomrowan (even tho i might not post until i get my stuff back *sigh*) x

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