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"Mommy, why can't I be a professional pianist already?" I asked, my fingers gracefully gliding across the piano keys.

"It takes time, my darling. Becoming a professional pianist isn't easy." my mother replied, gently stroking my blonde hair as I continued to play.

"I want to apply to Julliard one day." I said, and she hummed along to the music.

"I believe in you, my baby." she said, her eyes filled with pride. I poured my heart and soul into every note I played, and I knew that music was my calling.

"Mom, will you always be here with me?" I asked, looking up at her in the empty music room at Michigan School. Her stormy eyes softened, and she ran her fingers through my hair soothingly.

"Always, my darling." she whispered, but I could sense that she was holding something back.

"I love you, Mom." I said, and she kissed my forehead, sitting down beside me in her short red summer dress.

"I love you more than you'll ever know." she said, watching me play.

As I played, it was as if the world outside had fallen away, and all that was left was the music. My heart overflowed with emotion, and I knew that I was meant to share this gift with others.

But that was the last time my mother heard me play. She had cancer, and she passed away, leaving me alone at only seven years old.

Now, I sat alone with the piano, my heart heavy and my spirit broken. She had made so many promises, but now they would remain unkept. She had gone ahead of me, leaving me behind to face a world without her.

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