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Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

-Martin Luther King Jr., A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches

Listen to Kill for you by Skyler Grey


The toned arms of his chiseled body glistened under the bathroom light, and his amber eyes lit up as they met mine. The scars and bruises on his chest were like a work of art, a masterpiece painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. As I traced my pale fingers over the cold skin of his body, following the contours of his abs and arms, he closed his eyes as if he too was being hypnotized by the moment.

I couldn't resist the pull towards him as his amber eyes locked onto mine, and I found myself lost in the sculpted perfection of his toned arms and chest. Despite the scars and bruises that littered his body, he was beautiful to me, a masterpiece in his own right. Our bodies pressed together, his cold skin contrasting against my warm hands, as we both closed our eyes, giving in to the hypnotic attraction that drew us together.

When he opened his eyes again, I was transfixed, unable to look away from him. We were both trapped in a dangerous trance, unable to resist the magnetic pull that threatened to consume us both. I felt the imaginary caution tapes around my heart rip away as his eyes hungrily drank in every inch of my face, as if he was trying to capture a mental picture of me. It didn't matter anymore, nothing did. We were lost in each other.

He approached me with caution, his eyes full of conflicting thoughts as his lips hovered close to mine. My arms instinctively went around his neck, pulling him closer as our lips finally met. It was as if we were both quenching an undying thirst for the possibility of love. The lost boy had finally found his lost girl, and I knew that from that moment on, we would be inseparable.

His lips felt like silk against mine, and I felt a rush of warmth and love spread throughout my body as we kissed. His strong arms wrapped around my waist, and I felt small and fragile in his embrace, but also safe and protected. It was like we were making up for all the lost time, the missed chances, and the unspoken words. In that moment, I knew that I had found my lost boy, and I never wanted to let him go.

We pulled away, but our eyes remained locked on each other as his strong hands held mine in the cramped bathroom. The silence between us was heavy with unspoken emotions, the air thick with the knowledge that we had crossed a line that we couldn't uncross. I knew this was just the beginning of a tumultuous journey, but I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through me at the thought of being with him.

"We can, Ryson." I said firmly, not wanting to back down this time. "I know it's scary, but I'm here for you, through everything. You don't have to face your demons alone anymore." I held his hands tighter and looked deeply into his amber eyes. "Let me be the light that guides you out of the darkness."

Ryson's eyes softened and he leaned in to kiss me again. This time, there was no fear or hesitation, just a shared desire to explore the depths of our love. As we pulled away, I knew that we had both found what we were looking for in each other, and I was ready to fight for our love, no matter what demons or challenges we may face along the way.

"Listen to me," I continued, holding his gaze, "I know you're scared, but I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere, Ryson." I caressed his cheek with my thumb, feeling his stubble against my skin. "You don't have to be afraid anymore. We can face the demons together, and come out stronger on the other side.

"After some thought, I think I could get used to that," he said, smirking at me. Relief washed over me as I smiled back, and he kissed my forehead. In that moment, I saw a new shade of Ryson, and I loved every piece of him.

As we emerged from the crowded bathroom, our hands remained intertwined, a comforting feeling that made me feel like we were finally moving forward. I noticed Alexa's eyes scanning the room, searching for me. When they finally landed on me, she seemed surprised to see Ryson standing beside me with our hands joined together.

With a small nod of understanding, Alexa gave us a small smile back, accepting Ryson into our group. As we walked away, I knew that we had a long journey ahead of us, but with Ryson by my side, I felt like we could conquer anything.

The party was chaotic, with drunken girls dancing on tabletops and my classmate, who had been a gentleman and danced with me earlier, now dancing with someone else. It seemed like these teenagers didn't have a care in the world, like they followed a party religion that no one else knew about.

"Let's leave this chaos behind," Ryson whispered in my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "Come on, baby." His voice was gentle and soothing, making me feel safe in his arms. A blush crept up my cheeks as he chuckled, clearly enjoying the effect he had on me. I couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling happy and content in his company.

Everyone's eyes were on us as Ryson and I entered the room. He had become popular in just one day, and it wasn't hard to see why. With his tousled brown curls and striking amber eyes, he looked effortlessly handsome in his casual top and jeans.

Alexa came up to us and squealed, hugging me and I laughed when I hugged her back.

Ryson chuckled at my eccentric best friend's approval speech, and I couldn't help but admire the sound of his laughter. Alexa was equally mesmerized, and I had to playfully nudge her to prevent her from staring too long.

"We're going to go now," I informed Alexa and she winked at me.

"Make sure to protect yourself." My cheeks reddened even more and Ryson was enjoying it as he told Alexa he was going to do more than just protect me.

The rush of adrenaline in my body subsided as the cool night air enveloped us. The moon was so dazzling that I couldn't help but stop and stare, and Ryson joined me in my reverie.

"How can something be so beautiful?" I wondered out loud, feeling a little embarrassed by my corny thought. Ryson chuckled softly and I turned to look at him. His amber eyes were sparkling in the moonlight, making him look even more handsome than usual.

"I don't know, but I'm glad we're here to enjoy it together," he said, taking my hand in his. We stood there for a few more minutes, just enjoying the beauty of the night, before Ryson leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

"I could stay out here with you forever," he murmured, and I couldn't help but feel my heart skip a beat at his words.

"I have a surprise for you," Ryson said, his eyes gleaming mischievously. I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement as he led me towards his motorcycle, his hand warm and comforting in mine.

As we approached the sleek machine, I couldn't help but admire its design. "Wow, this is amazing," I said, running my fingers over the smooth metal. Ryson grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"I thought we could go for a ride," he said, his voice low and inviting. I nodded eagerly, my heart racing with anticipation. I had never been on a motorcycle before, and the thought of feeling the wind in my hair and the rush of adrenaline was exhilarating.

As we climbed onto the bike and Ryson revved the engine, I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist, holding on for dear life. The wind whipped past us as we rode through the night, the moon above casting a soft glow on our faces.

In that moment, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be, wrapped in Ryson's arms and soaring towards the unknown.

"What happened to the man?" I decided to pop the question when we arrived to my house. I couldn't help but want to know what happened after the incident.

"Nothing you should worry about." He snapped and fled off with his motor, leaving me alone with the wind.

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