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But when I do feel all the strength go out of me, and I fall to my knees beside the table and I think I cry, then, or at least I want to, and everything inside me screams for just one more kiss, one more word, one more glance, one more.
Veronica Roth, Allegiant (Divergent, #3)


Listen to Issues by Julie


As I revved up the engine of the borrowed red motorcycle, a rush of pure air hit my cold and pale skin. My only concern was getting her to her destination safely and without any trouble. With determination, I hit the road, feeling the wind against my face and the thrill of the ride fueling my adrenaline.

You're not forced to do that.

I pushed aside my jumbled thoughts and focused on the road ahead, determined to make the most of the present moment. Although I longed for my mother's company, I couldn't let myself get lost in those thoughts. Instead, I envisioned her sitting behind me, her laughter ringing out as the wind whipped her hair and her blue eyes shone with joy. It was a memory I cherished, and one that gave me hope that she would return to me one day. For now, I had to make the most of the journey ahead, and the sense of freedom that came with it.

A silver-colored Jeep pulled up in front of a sprawling mansion, the booming bass and neon lights spilling out of the windows signaling a raucous party inside. Evangeline and her friend stepped out of the vehicle, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the sway of her back as she walked away. Despite my misgivings about the party, I couldn't help but feel a pull towards her. I knew it was dangerous to follow, but my feet had a mind of their own as I trailed behind, drawn by the allure of the unknown.

I parked the motorcycle a distance away from her friend's car, not wanting to arouse suspicion, and made my way towards the mansion on foot. As I approached the house, my heart raced with anticipation and a hint of fear. I knew I was taking a risk, but my desire to be near Evangeline outweighed any concerns I had. I tried to steady my breathing as I approached the entrance, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

I better hope no bloody fucking idiot would lay a finger on her.

After witnessing Mr. Yeman catch Evangeline earlier, a sense of paranoia washed over me. I couldn't shake the feeling that he could appear at any moment, and I would regret not watching over her. My concern for her safety was heightened by the fact that he had already claimed eleven souls, and his men had managed to save him from death. I knew I had to stay vigilant and keep Evangeline close to me, to ensure that she remained out of harm's way.

I straightened my crumpled shirt and pushed my way into the mansion, where a wild party was in full swing. The scene that greeted me was one of debauchery, with people taking body shots and licking lemons off each other. The sight made me cringe inwardly, particularly the way in which people were handling their wine. Despite my distaste, I reminded myself that I was here for Evangeline, and I had to keep my focus on her.

My eyes scanned the crowd, searching for the emerald-eyed beauty I had come here for. I finally spotted her on the dance floor, swaying to the beat with another guy. A surge of jealousy coursed through me, and I felt the veins in my hands pulse with a violet-blue hue. Despite my anger, I couldn't help but admire her beauty and grace. If her intention was to make me jealous, she had certainly succeeded. I knew I had to make a move before it was too late, but the sight of her with another man made my heart sink.

"Hey, man." Ben's friendly gesture snapped me out of my jealous rage, and I turned to face him with a nod. Despite his attempt to distract me, my eyes were still locked on Evangeline as she danced with the other guy. I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration that she didn't see me as more than a friend. With a deep breath, I tried to compose myself and focus on the task at hand. I had come here to protect her, not to let my emotions get the best of me.

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