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So it's true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.
E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly.

Listen to crying out for me by Mario

The piano keys came to life under my fingers, the notes flowing effortlessly from my mind to my hands. The music room at Michigan school was my second home, and the black grand piano my most faithful companion. It was there for me, just like my mother promised, before she passed away when I was only seven. She had died with the promise that she would watch me play, but I never got the chance to show her what I was capable of. Now, the piano was my connection to her, a way to keep her memory alive.

Alexa Jones, my childhood best friend, interrupted my thoughts with her usual teasing. "You're still here? You'll never have a social life if you keep playing that thing all day." Her forest green eyes danced with amusement, and her big dimple deepened as she spoke.

I flushed with embarrassment, knowing that she was right. I had already missed my first class of the day, lost in the music that flowed through me. The melodies were always in my head, begging to be played, and I couldn't resist their siren call.

But Alexa didn't understand the connection I had with music. It was more than a hobby or a passion. It was my lifeline, my escape, and my way of communicating with the world.

"I know, I know," I muttered, gathering my books and standing up from the piano bench. "Let's go before we're even later."

As we walked through the bustling school hallways, I couldn't help but feel like an outsider. I was different from everyone else, and not just because of my love for music. My insecurities made me feel like I didn't fit in, but Alexa was always there to remind me that I was never alone.

"Are you nervous about Julliard?" she asked, referring to the prestigious music school that I had applied to.

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "A little. But I know I can do it. I just have to keep practicing."

She smiled encouragingly, squeezing my shoulder. "You'll get in, I just know it."

Her words gave me a spark of hope, and I couldn't wait to get back to the piano and pour my heart into the music once again. It was my dream to play on the biggest stages, to show the world what I was capable of, and to make my mother proud.

For now, though, I had to focus on getting through the school day. With Alexa by my side, I knew I could face anything that came my way.


"Class, I want to introduce our new student," the principal announced before lunch break, with a tone that showed his distaste, "Please welcome Ryson Adams." As the guy walked in, I was busy with my music notes for the winter ball, and I couldn't help but notice the gasps from the rest of the class. It was probably because some jock wanted to show off and gain attention from the girls.

I was excited to start working on my new music sheets for the winter ball. I was going to be the lead pianist, and I couldn't wait to get started. My blonde locks were neatly tied back, but I usually let them loose when I sat in front of my piano in the music room, as I thought it added to the appeal, along with my collection of self-written music sheets.

Suddenly, a commotion caught my attention. I lifted my eyes to see the source of the trouble, and I saw a guy with tattoos of the devil on his arms, a nose piercing, and intimidating amber-coloured eyes with green around the pupil. He glared at the guy who attempted to trip him, while Jonas Devens, the quarterback and known prankster, tried to brush it off as a joke.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ryson snapped at Jonas.

"Aww, chill man. It was just a little prank," Jonas replied, but a punch to the jaw from Ryson sent him sprawling to the floor.

My eyes widened as the principal held Ryson back, shouting at them to behave. Ryson sat at the back row; arms tightly crossed against his chest.

"Did you see how the new guy punched the prank king? It was hot," Alexa, one of my classmates, exclaimed excitedly. I rolled my eyes at her antics, feeling a sense of disappointment at how shallow she could be.

The lunch bell rang, and I couldn't wait to practice on my piano for the winter ball. I ran to the music room, leaving Alexa behind. The room was serene and utterly mesmerizing, with plenty of space and instruments scattered around. We had formed an orchestra, along with a kids' instrumental competition to motivate them. I was the leader, along with Mrs. Davidson, who appreciated my passion for music.

I untied my hair and settled my books on the floor beside my chair. My floral dress and brown jacket, along with my black Converse shoes, made me feel comfortable as I sat on the piano bench. My long, slender fingers began to form the sound of C major and Db major chords, creating a beautiful melody that wafted around the room as I closed my eyes and practiced.

Suddenly, a husky voice interrupted me. "What's your story?" I froze, not daring to face the person behind me. My mother had always warned me to stay away from such people, as they could ruin my plans.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice trembling as I turned to face Ryson.

"The new guy, Ryson Adams. I saw you this morning playing the piano," he replied, walking closer until his shirt brushed against my back.

I sighed, knowing that I couldn't avoid him. "I just love it here," I murmured. The silence was loud, except the retreating taps of his boots told me that he finally got out of my safe haven.

He left the music room, and I let out a sigh of relief as the lunch break ended. I hoped that it was the last time I would encounter him.

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