Chapter Three: Part Seven

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( YN POV )

As you were in you're room you heard a scream.

You ran to the room next door, and Ray and Mya were already there.

Ray : “ WHAT THE FREAK ?!”

Mya gasped, and took a step back.

YN: “Are you serious?!”

Winnie jumped up, and zipped up her pants.

“This ISNT what it looks like!”, she yelled.

You almost slapped her, when you saw Roc coming from up under the bed.

Mya: “ROC?!”


Ray: “WTF MAN?! Roc! Isnt she supposed to be w/ Prince! By the way, where is he?!”

Winnie: “He went out in the back. With Keisha.”

YN: “how long was he gone?!”

Ray: “A WHILE apparently.”

Mya: “Thats some grimy dirty mess, Winnie. AND YOU KNOW IT.”

Winnie: “I knoow... It's just; Roc was really sexy. And, I had my eyes on him. Like....DAMN.”

Roc snickered.

Mya: “WTF YOU LAUGHING AT! My friend, @rayanna, wanted to get w/ you. But, you had to go off humping THIS HOE.”



Winnie rolled her eyes, and put on her shirt.

Ray: “Thats cold, man. And, ya'll better hurry up before Prince gets back. Or, its both of ya'll asses.”

Ray put his arm around Mya, and they walked down the hall.

Winnie walks up to you.

“You cant TELL ANYONE.”

YN: “Been there. Done that. It's only going to get you into trouble.”

Winnie: “Not I you be quiet about it.”

Prince ran up the stairs, and interrupted your convo.

Prince: “OK ! So, Keisha said we're making up this new song, if a few. Wanna be in the video, we need some dancers, babe. [;”

Winnie blushed. “Of course.”

You wanted to throw up at how fake she was.

Roc walked out the room.

Prince: “What was YOU doing in there??”

Roc: “i had too get my stuff.”

Roc threw his cap in the air.

Prince looked supsicious.

Just then, a girl walked up the stairs. One I never seen before. Ray and Mya was coming up behind her.

Mya: “Roc. This is my friend Rayanna. She's the one I told you about. The one that like you.”

Rayanna elbowed Mya.

Roc walked over to Rayanna, and held her hand.

Winnie looked as she was disguisted.

Roc put his arm around her, and led her downstairs.

Winnie gave her a stank look. She hated Rayanna and Roc being close. And she wanted to change that....

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