The Vampires of Venice - Part Four ✔️

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Grace's POV-
We walked through the tunnel it was weird the Doctor still held my hand and for once I wasn't afraid I felt safe but I didn't want to expect that to quickly "They're not vampires." Amy said smiling "What?" The Doctor asked her "I saw them. I saw her. They're not vampires, they're aliens." Amy said chuckling The Doctor sonics the trapdoor hatch and smiles "Classic." Doctor said as we rejoin Amy and Rory "That's good news? What is wrong with you people?" Rory asked them "Come on, Rory. Move." The doctor said Francesco and the vampires catch up to us, but are held back by the UV light he then sends the girls ahead of him "Keep moving. Come on, guys." Doctor tells us.

We reach the tunnel entrance the church bells are ringing as Guido is still waiting with his gondola "Quickly, quickly. Get out. Quick. Quick." Isabella tells us as she opens the door we all run out but as Isabella goes to she recoils as the sun burns her "Come on. Run." The Doctor tells her as he lets my hand go "I can't." Isabella said Isabella and the vampires shut the heavy door leading to the tunnel The Doctor runs up to the door and touches the metal on it, and gets an electric shock he falls down the stairs we rush to him "Is he dead?" I ask Rory "No, he's breathing." Rory tells us me and Amy look at Guido as he turns away.

We were in Guido home back in our normal clothes which felt really good The Doctor checks Amy's puncture wounds with his sonic screwdriver "You're fine. Open wide." Doctor tells her he pops a sweet into Amy's mouth the Doctor comes over to me "You okay now?" He asked me I nod not making eye contact with him we sat up the table I sat the other side of the Doctor as Amy sat in his other side and Rory next to me "Argh. I need to think. Come on, brain. Think, think, think. Think." Doctor said as he sat between me and Amy "If they're fish people, it explains why they hate the sun." Amy said to him "Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush." Doctor tells her as he places his hand over her mouth "She has a point." I say but the Doctor repeats what he said to Amy and places his other hand over my mouth.

"It's the school thing I don't understand." Rory said to us "Stop talking. Brain thinking. Hush." Doctor tells him as I place my hand over his moth "I say we take the fight to them." Guido said "Ah, ah, ah." Doctor said "What?" Guido asked as Rory places his hand over his mouth "Ah. Her planet dies, so they flee through a crack in space and time and end up here. Then she closes off the city and, one by one, starts changing the people into creatures like her to start a new gene pool. Got it. But then what? They come from the sea. They can't survive for ever on land, so what's she going to do?" Doctor said rambling on "Unless she's going to do something to the environment to make the city habitable. She said, I shall bend the heavens to save my race. Bend the heavens. Bend the heavens. She's going to sink Venice." Doctor said as he removes his hands from our mouths.

"She's going to sink Venice?" Guido asked confused "And repopulate it with the girls she's transformed." Doctor said "You can't repopulate somewhere with just women. You need blokes." Rory said looking at him "She's got blokes." Amy said "Where?" The Doctor asked her "In the canal. She said to me there are ten thousand husbands waiting in the water." Amy explains "Only the male offspring survived the journey here. She's got ten thousand children swimming around the canals, waiting for Mum to make them some compatible girlfriends. Urgh. I mean, I've been around a bit, but really that's, that's eugh." Doctor said disgusted suddenly there was a thump and a creak we look above us.

"The people upstairs are very noisy." Doctor said "There aren't any people upstairs." Guido said our eyes widen "Do you know, I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that?" Doctor asked us "Is it the vampires?" Rory asked scared as the creaking goes on "Like I said, they're not vampires. Fish from space." Doctor tells us a window breaks me and Amy scream as we all stand up the Vampires gather the doors and windows "Aren't we on the second floor?" Rory asked him The Doctor waves his UV light at them, then uses his sonic screwdriver to reveal their true appearance.

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