A Good Man Goes To War - Part Two ✔

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How did you like the first episode of A Good Man Goes to War?

Just so you all know I've been writing chapters for the second book of this series and so far it's going good and I hope you do all like the the second book that will come after this book and I hope you love how this book will end when the times come!

Enjoy 😊


*Demon's Run, Hangar*

Grace's POV-
We all stood around looking at the girl who was called Lorna "I heard her talking...this is a trap. Why would I lie to you?" Lorna asked us I glare at her as I step forward "Well, you might want to take a look at your uniform." I tell her as I step back to Rory and Amy "The only reason I joined the Clerics was to meet the Doctor again." Lorna explained "You wanted to meet him, so you joined an army to fight him?" Jenny asked her "Well, how else do you meet a great warrior?" Lorna asked us I sigh "He's not a warrior." Amy tells her annoyed "Then why's he called the Doctor?" Lorna asked us suddenly the lights go out and Amy and Rory stand by the cot I join their sides "It's starting. Please listen to me." Lorna begged us.

"Confirmed. No life forms registering on this base, except us and the Silurians." Strax said "The Headless Monks aren't alive...they don't register as life forms." Lorna explained a monk walks up behind a Silurian a lift opens and a monk emerges, shooting energy from their hand and killing the Silurian on guard a glowing light appears around the TARDIS Amy is holding Melody as me and Rory stand in front of her "What's that?" I ask as Vastra approaches and reaches a hand out to touch it she pulls it back at the energy she feels "Force field." She said Rory is on alert the monks begin chanting as they walk towards them a loud noise is heard "And those are the doors... locking." Lorna said the monks pass the bodies of Silurians on the ground the lifts are shut down "Apparently we're not leaving." Vastra said we hear the chanting "Is that the Monks?" Rory asked shocked "Oh, dear God... that's the attack prayer." Dorium said "Quick, come with me. You too Grace." Rory said I frown "You don't think I can fight with my condition?" I ask him he sighs "No I want you safe!" Rory said "No dear brother I'm fighting for my family specially my niece!" I tell him he nods and leads Amy away "Commander Strax!" Vastra yells.

"I'm trying to seal off this area of the lighting grid." Strax said "This is where we'll make our stand. Clear lines of sight on all approaches." Vastra said the monks have their swords out and charged "Centurion, you're needed!" Vastra calls to Rory who hid Amy and melody behind some crates Lorna is searching through large crates "There should be some plasma pistols somewhere. They left everything." Lorna explained I stop by Jenny "Then find them, boy!" Strax yells at her I chuckle "She's definitely a girl." Vastra said "Oh, stop it!" Jenny tells her Dorium walks towards the monks "We don't have to fight. I'm friends to the Monks, they know me." He said I roll my eyes "Yeah, and they know you just sold them out to the Doctor." Rory tells him "Oh, they'll understand. It's only me, only silly old me." Dorium said as he holds his arms out wide "You understand, don't you?" He asked them "Mr Maldovar, get back here!" Vastra yells "Arm yourself, fool!" Strax yells "Dorium!" I yell.

My eyes widen as they chop his head of "Mr Maldovar?" Vastra asked "Dorium?" Rory asked Lorna comes up behind us, passing out guns I hold my tightly as we watch as the monks march forward, swords glowing a headless Dorium also walks towards us "The child! At all costs, protect the child!" Vastra yells Rory draws his sword in one hand and a pistol in the other as me and other aim our guns we all begin to fight trying protecting Amy and Melody a monk comes up behind Strax and Lorna is struck by a monk's energy suddenly we hear Amy's screams "Rory!" She yells me and Rory look at each other before running to Amy "Rory! Rory!" Amy yells.


All around us was a mess Strax was on the floor so was Lorna "Amy, she's not real! Melody - she's a flesh avatar." We hear the Doctor say as he pounds on door "Amy!" He yells as the door opens the Doctor runs in the fighting is over "Amy!" Doctor yells he stops at the destruction around him "Amy." Doctor said "Yeah, we know." Rory said annoyed as Rory walks over to a dying Strax I sigh putting my gun down I follow Rory "It's strange. I have often dreamed of dying in combat. I'm not enjoying it as much as I'd hoped." Strax tells us I smile "Come on, Strax, don't give up." I say softly "It's all right, I've had a good life. I'm nearly 12." Strax said I shake my head "Listen to me. You'll be back on your feet in no time. You're a warrior!" Rory tells him "Rory... I'm a nurse." Strax said as he dies The Doctor sees Jenny with Amy and walks over to them "So they took her anyway. All this was for nothing." Amy said as we  joins them.

"I am so... sorry." Doctor said and goes to hug her but she backs away "Amy... it's not his fault." I say Amy cries "I know, I know." She said Rory puts his arms around her and comforts her "Doctor, there's someone who wants to speak to you. Her name is Lorna, she came to warn us." Vastra said "Come on." I tell him as we walk to Lorna he kneels down and uses the sonic to scan Lorna he rubs his face with one hand in frustration Lorna opens her eyes "Hey. Hello." Doctor said softly "Doctor!" He smiles "You helped my friends, thank you." Doctor tells her "I met you once. In the Gamma Forests. You don't remember me." Lorna said "Hey, of course I remember." Doctor said as he holds her face between his hands "I remember everyone. Hey, we ran, you and me! Didn't we run, Lorna?" Doctor asked as Lorna dies.

"Who was she?" Vastra asked "I don't know but she was very brave." Doctor said "They're always brave." He said "They're always brave." He said as he stands up "So, what now? They'd almost certainly have taken her to Earth, raise her in the correct environment." Vastra explained "Yes, they did. And it's already too late." Doctor said as he walks away "You're giving up? You never do that." Vastra said to him "Don't you sometimes wish I did?" Doctor asked as he looked at her suddenly there is a bright flash of light and a clap of displaced air River appears the Doctor looks angry "Well, then, soldier, how goes the day?" River asked him The Doctor strides over "Where the hell have you been? Every time you've asked, I have been there. Where the hell were you today?" Doctor asked as he snaps at her "I couldn't have prevented this." River said "You could've tried!" Doctor yells "And so, could you." River said she looks at Amy and Rory "I know you're not all right. But hold tight, Amy, because you're going to be." River said.

"You think I wanted this?" Doctor asked her as he points generally "I didn't do this. This... this wasn't me!" Doctor yells "This was exactly you. All this, all of it. You make them so afraid. When you began, all those years ago, sailing off to see the universe, did you ever think you'd become this? The man who can turn an army around at the mention of his name? Doctor? The word for healer and wise man, throughout the universe. We get that word from you, you know. But if you carry on the way you are, what might that word come to mean? To the people of the Gamma Forests, the word "Doctor" means mighty warrior. How far you've come. And now they've taken a child... the child of your best friends... and they're going to turn her into a weapon, just to bring you down. And all this...in fear of you." River explained "Who are you?" Doctor asked her as he steps forward "Oh, look, your cot! Haven't seen that in a very long while." River said lightly as she backs up to the cot "No, no, you tell me. Tell me... who you are." Doctor said "I am telling you." River said as he holds his hand on the cot "Can't you read?" She asked him.

The Doctor looks at the Gallifreyan writing on the cot and then up at River he suddenly realizes who she is and smiles we all look confused "Hello." Doctor said "Hello." River said as she laughs nervously I shake my head "That means your my...." I start she smiles "Yes." River said "You read Gallifreyan?" Doctor asked me "I might of read a book somewhere." I said smiling the Doctor smiles "Vastra and Jenny, till the next time. Rory and Amy, I'll find your daughter and on my life, she will be safe. River, get them all home." Doctor tells River as he takes my hand I smile "So I'm coming with you?" I ask him as we head for the TARDIS "Always." Doctor said I smile "Doctor?" Rory asked "No! Where are you going? No!" Amy yells The Doctor uses the sonic to lift the force field and enters the TARDIS we stand in the doorway the Doctor laughs and points at River before he pulls me inside and we leave.

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