Since I haven't seen any books to do with this amazing Youtuber, I thought I might do this book so there's something to read about him.
In the process of writing fanfics about JP, Wade and Gar.
Contains A lot of swearing and abuse.
Code: (Y/n) - Your name (F/c) - Favourite colour (F/f) - Favourite food (S/n) - Slut's name Sorry if it says that there are two chapters with the same. It hasn't updated.
(Y/n)'s pov
Hi! I'm (y/n) Thompson and I'm 14 years old. I have a younger brother called Xavier, who's 7. We live at Happyton's Orphanage in Ohio, United States.
I have a friend here, her name's Tyler Jones [me!] and she's the same age as me. In the room I live in, I share with her.
Even though we are different in many ways, we both like to watch youtubers. My favourite youtubers are Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and PatrickStatic.
After the first day at the orphanage, Tyler has given me advise on how to survive this place. The queen slut of the place, Leah, wants to fuck every guy who comes in a one mile radius of her. She runs this dump.
Even though I've been here for 4 years, it feels like a life time. Ty must feel the same. Whenever she thinks she's alone, she sings to herself or cries or talks about Lordminion777 or how her hero will save her.
I feel sorry for her. What she has told me about herself is that her parents abused her, she was nearly killed by them as well. She was 3 when she came here. Miss Smith wasn't here at the time but another person called Miss Haywood. Apparently, she is nice. Over the 4 years, I haven't met her yet.
(Tyler's pov)
Miss Haywood was 18 when I arrived. I was battered, bruised, cut. I felt alone. All I had was my teddy bear, Wade. Being the youngest was hard especially whilst I was being bullied everywhere.
Miss Haywood was the only one who didn't bully me. She took me shopping for clothes. Later on when I was 7, she bought me a laptop. I started a youtube channel called StrangerGames. She was always there for me when times were tough. She stopped me from committing suicide on more than three times.
Before you ask, yes I have a "guardian" to make sure I don't committ suicide. His name's Dylan O'brien. Yes, the actor who plays Stiles in Teen Wolf. No, I don't watch it so don't judge.
Miss Haywood left when she got married 6 years ago. She promised that she would come back but she didn't. Dylan took a break to film the next series of Teen Wolf so I was alone. I still had (y/n) and Xavier. Also, I had PatrickStatic, Lordminion777, Jacksepticeye, Garuku Bluemoon, JPw03, Dlive, Foxtrot14 and Entoan. I haven't met them in person but I know what they look like.
(Y/n's pov)
It's 8am and Adoption Day which took place on a Saturday. Me and Tyler were getting ready.
I wore:
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While Tyler wore:
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I rushed to my brother's room to see him wearing:
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Today was the day that the both of us will be adopted. I know it. I can smell it! Wait...that sounds creepy.
The three of us walked down the stairs; Tyler had her earphones in, I smiled and Xavier jumped to the ground.
We took our places in the canteen. Tyler got the far corner table but she kept her eyes on the door like she was waiting for someone. Me and Xavier sat at the front table nearest to the wall.
A bell rang and couples and single parents walked in. They went to everyone but me, Tyler and Xavier. Then I saw Tyler's face light up as if she saw someone...she...knew.
I turned to face who was infront of me to find it was a guy in his mid 20s and a woman in her 20s.
"Hey. I'm Patrick, this is my girlfriend MK. What's your names?" 'Patrick' calmly asked as he sat infront of Xavier.
"I'm (y/n). This is my brother, Xavier." I state as a reply.
"Pat, you would have to adopt both of them if you want to adopt one. It's two or none." A familiar voice stated firmly, earning a chuckle from Patrick and I. Tyler sat next to Patrick, acting like she knew him.
"Ty? Didn't know you were an orphan in this orphanage?" Patrick questions.
"I keep secrets. Good to meet my favourite youtuber in person as well as friend." Tyler chuckles.
"Bye beanie buddy! See you in the recording tonight!" Patrick yells over the other couples.
Tyler wanders back to the corner table.
"Can we adopt them Pat?" MK asks excitedly. He nods and we both smile.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" Xavier says at 30mph. Patrick and MK walks over to the office to fill in the papers. Xavier runs upstairs to pack. Before I leave, I glance at Tyler who is talking? some guy...with a brown beard? I shrug it off and run to my room to pack.
Five minutes later, Tyler walks in with a genuine smile on her face.
"Guess we are both getting adopted!" I nod to confirm. I hug her, only to be pushed back by her.
"I hope Patrick treats you well. He's reeeeeeeally nice and kind." She assures me.
"So..." I trail on, "Who adopted you?"
"He's one of my friends. We both have the same career and we both have one thing in common...salt." She must be excited to be adopted by this guy.
I stay silent in not knowing who it is.
"Oh c'mon! You don't know LORDMINION777 is?!"
Oh...that's who he is. After 40 minutes of packing, me and Tyler head downstairs to see Mr. Barns, Patrick and MK. Xavier was already hugging Patrick.
"You girls took your time." Wade joked.
"Ty had alot of electrical equipment!" I glare at Tyler.
"Not my fault I like being a youtuber." She holds her hands up in defense. Me and Tyler say our farewells as she leaves with Wade.
"You'll see her later. Wade and her are going to Packs." Patrick states as we exit the crumbled building.
Today me and my brother was saved by a badass female and a beanie man as Tyler calls it now a days.
Thank you Patrick and Mk!
First official chapter to the story. If you don't know much about PatrickStatic please check out his channel 'cause it's awesome!