Since I haven't seen any books to do with this amazing Youtuber, I thought I might do this book so there's something to read about him.
In the process of writing fanfics about JP, Wade and Gar.
Contains A lot of swearing and abuse.
Three months. Three months since Caleb cheated on me with that slut, Anna.
I have been quite low self esteem. I haven't been outside for a while. I do continue creating videos but it's mainly Xavier.
Tyler is around with Jp, Wade and Gar.
Me, Tyler, Jp and Xavier are playing Cards Against Humanity. Tyler is winning with ten cards, followed by Jp with six then me with four and Xavier with two.
"I win!" Tyler chirps and throws her cards in the air.
"Cheat!" JP yells at her.
"Salt went down!" Xavier yells and we burst out laughing.
The three men walk into the room.
"What happened?" Wade asks in confusion.
"Salt got really, Wade." Tyler answered.
"Tyler cheated." Jp shouted.
"I did no such thing." Tyler innocently confessed.
The three men laughed.
"See you at Pax east, Pat." Gar spoke before leaving.
"Yeah. See you soon Pat." Wade said. Jp left and Tyler got up with Wade.
"See ya, (y/n)." Tyler smiled and left. Dad walked out my room, leaving me and Xavier.
"You still depressed sis?" Xavier asked. I nodded a bit.
Truth be told, I still missed Caleb. I still can't believe he did that to me.
(Tyler's pov)
I agreed with Patrick and Mk that (y/n) needed to be cheered up. She is quite depressed so we decided she needed to do something fun.
The tickets have finally arrive. I can't believe I'm going to meet them! I can't believe me and (y/n) are meeting my favourite band!
I smiled down upon the two tickets in my hand. It's been three years since I broke up with Daniel. He said that he wasn't emo anymore and he didn't support me through my depression. He was a selfish son of a bitch.
Who needs guys anyways? They're just friends to me. It took me years to realise that love is a weakness and always will be.
Anyways, I'm sat in my room, editing one of the Friday the 13th videos I played with (n/n), Gar, Jp, Wade, Molly, Pat, Dan and Nin.
Once finished, I decided to get changed into:
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I've been waiting for this concert for months. I booked the tickets eight months prior to the event. I grab my backpack:
As you maybe aware of, I'm a Pierce
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As you maybe aware of, I'm a Pierce the Veil's fan but that's not who we're seeing tonight. However, Vic Fuentes does know the lead singer in this band.
I walk down the stairs to see Molly playing with Wilson. Oh, I forgot to mention a few things; Wade and Molly finally got married, Molly became pregnant when I was 16 and now, I have a baby brother named Wilson Mark Barnes. He's five months in two days.
"Ty ty!" Wilson cheers and I smile before walking over. He grabbed my hair:
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(What her hair looks like)
I chuckle at his actions. Molly and Wade know about this concert so I don't need to worry about them.
"Tyler be home before three in the morning, we want to know you're safe." Molly instructed.
"Ok, Mollu." I chuckled before giving Wilson a quick kiss to the cheek before walking out the door. I had snacks and water as well as tickets and my money.
(Y/n's pov)
Dad told me to get ready like I was going to a concert and I wore:
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I walked downstairs and tell the other three goodbyes and Dad tells me to be back before midnight.
As soon as I got to the door, Tyler was there, kitted out in Pierce the Veil merch.
"Just arrived. C'mon!" Tyler hurried me out and we both ran down the street to the areana.
I saw hardly anyone there so I'm guessing we're early. Tyler went upto one of the security guards and showed him our tickets. He searched our bags before letting up pass.
Ty dragged me down to the mosh pit. Oh god...what the hell!!
"Ty! This is a bad idea!" I yelled at her.
"No it's not." She smirked as the back was completely clear so we stood there when we noticed two guys there as well.