Keep Me In The Loop

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The rain had been non-stop and it had been for four days. The rain matched the current mood of the Intelligence Unit.

96 hours.

With each hour that passed their hearts broke a little bit more, no one was going home and no one wanted to go home not until London had been found. As each day turned to night they feared that the little girl would be coming home in a body bag, they knew the odds weren't on London side. No one had the strength to verbalize their fears, despite their silence the fear was palpable.

They had all been on the job long enough, they knew how these things played out. They all felt it, they buried so deep within in their souls and forced it from their thoughts. They all needed to be strong for Kim, and London. London needed them all to be on top of their game, she was counting on them.

They couldn't fail Kim.

More importantly they couldn't fail London.

It was why Adam was soaked to the bone, he couldn't stand to be at the district any longer, Kim was inconsolable. It broke his heart, he could hear her anguished cries as Hank had given her the latest update on the search. Adam was thankful that both Erin and Platt had been in Hank's office with her, she needed all the support she could get.

She needed them.

She needed her daughter.

Sean Roman had been located, living his 'beach bum' life and had been surprised to hear that London had been abducted. Not surprised enough to fly in to Chicago though, he left a voicemail for Kim, asking to be kept in the loop.

It had infuriated Adam to no end and Olinsky told him to take a walk, that had been hours ago and he was still furious. He couldn't understand why Roman hadn't grabbed the first flight out of California.

Adam knew if it was his kid that had gone missing he would move heaven and earth to find the kid. It didn't matter where he was or what he was doing, he would be actively involved in finding his kid and supporting the mother of his child. It wouldn't matter if he loathed his child's mother he would be by her side every step of the way.

He had decided to head down to the area near the zoo and talk to as many people as possible and make sure every business has London's 'missing person' flier posted and t he had given his card to every business owner he had spoken to.

Once he ran out of fliers and business cards and it was getting late and he felt like a drowned rat. He hated going back to the district without any new information but it was pointless to go over the area again. He would now turn his attention to contacting some of his CI's to see if they'd heard anything and he would go through all of the intelligence unit case files, and pull up every single arrest report Kim had made while on patrol and Roman's as well.

He would leave no stone unturned.

He would move heaven earth for Kim.

Normally he chastised himself for still loving Kim, it had been years but he still loved her with all he had. He had tried to move on but nothing ever clicked and every attempt felt forced. He couldn't do it to himself, but more importantly he couldn't do it to the women he tried to move on with, he would never love them. It would be cruel to lead them on, to give them even the slightest amount of hope that he would love her at some point.

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