I Can't Breathe

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Kevin slapped a very grainy photo on the board, "This is our POI." He rolled the marker between his palms, "We are still trying to get a name..no hits yet we've run it through facial recognition. It's gonna take some time. The guy was spotted hanging around the zoo, by a couple of the parent chaperones and zoo staff.."

Erin stood up, "What? How come this is the first we are hearing of it?" She pulled her hair up into a very sloppy ponytail. She grabbed a copy of the picture from Kevin, "How is this gonna help? It's a horrible photo."

"Human error.." he felt the bile as it creeped up his throat, "guess it was missed during the initial interviews, Crowley is fuming. Heads will roll. It's shit quality..but it's better than nothing."

Hank rocked on his heels, "Forget that..not our concern. We have the information now, let's get to work." He turned towards his office, "Focus. All that matters right now is getting London home."

Adam doubled over in the hallway, he was a fucking pussy. He had opened the door and heard her cries and walked out. He'd been pacing the length of the hallway for about ten minutes now. Everything in him was telling him to go back and in pull her into his arms and never let her go again. He just couldn't get his body to actually cross the threshold into the locker room, not when he felt as if he had allowed this to happen. It was irrational he knew that, but he couldn't shake the feeling that had he remained by Kim's side London would be in Kim's arms.

He couldn't shake the guilt he felt for not fighting for her. He did what he thought was the right thing to do, and now it seemed as if it was the worst thing he had ever done.

Kevin had tried to remind Adam that hindsight was always twenty-twenty.

He stood up when he heard voices coming towards him.

"Shit...I feel like I could sleep for days" Adam heard one of the patrol officers say to the other, he didn't recognize either guy. He felt as if he should check their ID's neither one looked even remotely close to being over twenty one.

Adam grabbed the cop's arm as he pulled the door open, "Locker room is closed." He moved to block his path into the room.

"My shit is in there." He moved to grab the handle, "I'm off shift..and I would like to go home...so how 'bout you move outta the way, buddy."

"You got your car keys?" Adam asked him, "what about you?" He pointed to the other cop.

"We do." He replied, "but my change out bag is in my locker.."

"Closed. Go home and pick it up tomorrow." Adam folded his arms across his chest. He locked his jaw and refused to budge, he glared at the patrol officers.

When it was clear he wasn't about to move, they turned to leave. "Platt will hear about this and she'll have your ass.."

Adam curled his lip, "No she won't."

He waited until they left and turned around. He rested his forehead against the door and took a few deep breaths before pushing it open.

"Perfect." He ended the call, "Its done." He tossed the iPhone on the couch, "delivery is expected within seventy two hours."

"That makes mama's heart sing." She grabbed her son's face and held it in her hands, "I knew you'd make your mama happy again, I just knew it."

Adam felt his knees knock when he found Kim sitting in front of his locker. It had been the scene of many stolen kisses and whispered words of love,  it also held some painful memories for them both. Nothing was more painful then the night she placed her engagement ring in the palm of his hand.

He ran his hands over his face and tried to steady his breathing before he approached her, she had her face buried in her arms as they sat on her knees.

He carefully sat down beside her, "Hey.."

Kim lifted her head to look him in the eye.

He saw uninhibited fear in her eyes, "we haven't heard anything.." Adam spoke up knowing she assumed something had come to light.

Kim leaned her head back against the locker, "I can't breathe..."

Adam adjusted his badge has it hung from his neck, he had wanted to touch her but held off, choosing instead to hold on to his badge, "I know.." he wasn't sure what to say. Nothing he said would take her pain away.

Kim wiped her eyes, "She's just a little girl..." she turned to look at Adam, "I was supposed to go..."


"The Zoo, I was going to be a chaperone...but I couldn't go..." she felt her heart thud in her chest, "I....can't...help....." she spoke through sobs.

Adam knew where she was headed and he wasn't going to allow her to say it, "Its not your fault..." he pulled her into his arms, "it's not your fault." He held her as tightly as she would tolerate, he could feel her body convulsing as she sobbed.

She clutched his shirt in her hands as she cried.

Adam ran his hand up and down her back and spoke mumbled words of comfort into her hair.


Not much of an update but it's something.

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