He Never Loved Her

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Kim had slipped her hand in Adam's as they walked up the steps into the 21st, he wasn't sure what their relationship had morphed into over the last few days and now wasn't the time to try and figure that out. He was just going to hang on to her as tightly as she would allow him to, he needed her just as much as she needed him.

"Hey.." Platt embraced Kim, "They're all upstairs, I've been praying for our girl non-stop, Kim. We are all looking for her."

Kim forced a tight smile, "Thank you." She leaned into Adam, she needed him to steady her.

Adam just nodded his head at the desk sergeant, he had nothing to add to the conversation and he really wasn't all that interested in talking.

"So.." the doctor started, "Kaitlyn's arm suffered a pretty serious break, it will require surgery, she's already on the docket for surgery first thing in the morning. We're gonna go ahead and admit her, get an IV started and get some pain medicine in her. I'd like to try and get a handle on her pain level." He smiled politely at the older woman, "Get her comfortable."

Gloria folded her arms across her chest, this wasn't going to work, "No, I'd like to take my daughter home, let her sleep in her own bed. She's had a long day." The longer they remained out and about the more riskier this all became, she had already lost one daughter she couldn't lose another.

The doctor matched her stance, "I understand that, but it's not up for debate. She's been scheduled for surgery first thing in the morning, it's late. We have already started her on a morphine drip, she will be asleep in no time. This is what's best for Kaitlyn."

Gloria rubbed her temples, "Okay. Fine. I can stay with her, right?" She was stuck between a rock and a hard place, if she continued to fight them on this, red flags would pop up. She couldn't have that, so she would concede to the doctor and hope for the best.

The doctor smiled, "Of course, absolutely."

Adam stepped away from Kim as Erin grabbed her hand and led her to the break room, he needed to talk to Al.

Al hugged him, "How is she?"

Adam buried his face in his hands, taking a deep breath "She's barely holding it together, she's a mess Al...what's the new development?" He didn't want to discuss much, he just needed to know what they had found out.

Al turned the white board around, "Its huge Adam. We uncovered a child smuggling ring, London is just one of a few dozen kids."

Adam sat on the edge of the desk, "Son of a bitch.."

"It gets worse. Our suspect? He kept fantastic notes, his uncle is the assistant principal at London's school."

Adam jumped up, "Are you fucking kidding me?" Is he in custody?"

"He is, downstairs."

"The cage?" Adam rested his hands on his hips, "I want to see him..."

Al stopped him, "Ain't happening. He's lawyered up." They all had to take a step back, they wouldn't lose the piece of shit on a technicality.

Trudy leaned on her elbows, "Oh..this...is..." she was at a complete loss for words, "what the hell do you want?"

"I can't do this much longer...I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest." Kim spoke through strangled sobs, "I want my little girl back."

Erin fought her own tears, "I know...we will find her. I promise." She wrapped her arms around Kim and rocked with her as she sobbed.

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