You're Right, I Didn't Want You With Kim

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Bob Ruzek rubbed his forehead, he was exhausted. This wasn't new to him, sitting in an uncomfortable chair waiting for his boy to wake up. Adam had been hell on two feet as a kid, he had broken so many bones that Bob had lost count. Adam had no fear and he would never back down from a dare or a bet. It drove him crazy, but he had to love that quality about his only child. No one could ever say Adam Ruzek didn't live his life to the fullest, he did that.

He lived his life to the fullest..but he lived it alone.

It had been a point of contention between father and son, and Adam would roll his eyes and change the subject whenever Bob broached it. Eventually, Bob stopped asking about the latest fling, or if he'd get to meet the latest girlfriend. It never happened and Adam always played his cards close to the vest, so he gave up.

If his boy was happy, that was enough for Bob.

The problem was Adam wasn't happy, not really. He could fool his buddies, but Bob knew. The light had gone out in Adam's eyes, the smile was never genuine.

He checked his phone again, still nothing from Adam's mother. Not that it was all that surprising, she never had much to do with Adam once they divorced and their son had asked to live with his father full time.

"W-what..." Adam's voice was low and gravelly, "where.." the light was unbearable and he had to close his eyes not that it had eased the pain any. It felt as if a jackhammer was living in his head, and he felt sick to his stomach. Even in his current state of confusion he knew he had suffered a fairly significant concussion.

Bob cut him off, "You're okay, you're in the hospital, Son." Tears glistening his eyes, "How are you feeling, Adam?" He stroked his son's cheek, "You should have frequent flier miles, my boy. I'm too old for this shit." He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Adam tugged at the nasal cannula, pulling it from his nose. Bob grabbed it, and attempted to put it back in his nose, "Stop..Pops." Adam pushed his father's hand away. His head continued to throb and his throat was dry, "What .." his voice cracked and it set him into a coughing fit.

Bob grabbed a can of sprite and dropped a straw in it, "Take a sip." He held it to Adam's lips.

The cold drink soothed his throat some, "Thanks.." he clutched the side of his head,"What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Bob tossed the empty can in the trash can, "You were shot, Adam. You saved her though, you saved Kim's little girl." He felt his mouth turn up and a goofy smile filled his face, he had always been proud of his son, but this was special. His son was a hero, and while he enjoyed seeing his son's face all over the news he knew Adam would hate it.

Kim ran her hand over the back of her neck, she had been relieved to hear that Adam came through surgery well, and was expected to make a full recovery. She would check in on him at some point, but for now her only focus was London. Her daughter had yet to wake up, the doctors had warned her that it could be awhile. That London had been through a harrowing experience and often the body's response was to sleep.

She had to snicker at Kevin who was sound asleep in the recliner in the corner of the room, his large frame almost swallowed the chair whole. He looked absolutely ridiculous. Kevin had refused to leave, she was grateful for that, especially when Sean had attempted to visit with London.

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