You Can't Go Around Hurting People

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"You're fucking kidding me, right?" It had taken all of his restraint not to toss the two bit rent a cop to the ground and bury his knee in the shithead's back, "You lost them?"

The slight man cowered under Voight's fury, "We didn't want to tip them we backed off a's what they said to do. We were specifically told not to approach we didn't." He ran his hands through his hair, "I'm sorry...I swear I am. We didn't notice it until they did rounds this morning..."

Hank didn't have the patience for the man nor did he have time to deal with him, "Just get out of my sight..okay?" Voight waved him off, he'd deal with him once they found London. He was just the first of many he'd be dealing with, the list was long and heads would roll.

Luckily they had security footage and were already running the pictures through facial recognition software. Despite having them slip through his fingers he had felt a second wind come over him, he felt lighter. They knew London was alive, she was injured but she was alive. That had to be enough for now.

Hank closed the door to the small security office and sat at the desk allowing himself a few minutes to get it together before he spoke to Kim and Adam. They had all envisioned a tearful reunion, not this. He wished he had made them hang back a bit, but Adam had insisted on driving up with Kim. That London would need Kim, that Kim needed to be there.

He leaned against the door, "Fuck, Ma. We're fucking screwed."

They had almost made it to the car, a security guard doing was making his rounds through the parking garage and they had heard it go out over the radio. It was why they now found themselves barricaded in a small supply closet.

Gloria clutched 'Kaitlyn' tight to her chest, mindful of her splinted arm and the IV still in the back of her hand. In order to make a quick exit she had disconnected the IV from the bag of fluid, thankfully she remembered how to cap the end of it. When she had been in the thick of it she had learned a lot, she could access ports and flush lines. It had all been for naught, she still lost her little girl.

"Watch your mouth, Peter." She chastised him for using such vulgar language, "We can do this..we just need to think for a minute. Let it die down, then we can head to the car."

She was going to get out of this, and she would be taking her new daughter with her. There just wasn't another option, she wasn't losing another little girl. She would die before she allowed that.

Voight whistled to get Olinsky's attention, "Where's Ruzek and Kim?" He asked when he scanned the waiting room, coming up empty.

Al stuffed his hands in his pockets, "They're in a conference room..what's going on? Something's off, Hank."

Voight sighed a bit, it was the understatement of the year.

"They left..London..or 'Kaitlyn' as they  called her was scheduled for surgery this morning. A broken arm, anyway a nurse went in to check on her..and the room was empty. They ran."

"Fuck." Al seethed, "How long?"

Hank leaned against the wall, "No one knows for sure, but between midnight and around four" Hank checked his watch, it was now just after six am. They'd been running on fumes as of late and he was starting to feel it. The initial adrenaline rush had subsided and the latest development had definitely taken the wind out of his sails.

Al bent his head and rubbed his foot over a crack in the flooring, "How serious is London's injury?" He asked.

"Serious enough to require surgery. She's not going to travel well, she's gonna slow them down." He spotted Adam and Kim in the waiting room, Adam's arm wrapped tightly around Kim's shoulder. Hank made it his business to not know what was going on in the personal lives of those in his unit, but he had always hoped the pair would get it together at some point. This wasn't how he had pictured it, nope not at all. This was fucking nightmare.

Kim was still gasping for air, "Where is she? They said she was here!" She yelled, "Where is my baby?"

Adam tried to pull her even further into his arms, but she resisted pushing her hands against his chest, "Adam..where is my little girl? It's been days...they said London was here...why won't they let me see her? She needs me.."

She went slack in Adam's arms and he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her.

"What are you doing?" Gloria asked Peter as he rummaged through a shelf, "Looking for something...anything that we could use. We need to get out of here...and I need..." he paused, finding a crowbar, "This. I need this. It's not gonna be easy getting out of here and I need a weapon."

"For what? You can't go around hurting people, Peter. I raised you better than that.." she scolded him.

He had to laugh at her, was she fucking serious? He knew she was off the reservation, but it was far worse than he had ever suspected. Was she that delusional that she didn't see what she had done? What she had demanded that he do?

He hung his head, "Ma...what do you think we've done?" He pointed to the little girl who lay curled up on the concrete floor, sleeping soundly. Obviously a side effect of the medicine, though he was positive that would be wearing off soon. "You don't think she's hurting?"

Gloria stood up, grabbing his wrist, "Sweetie. It was an accident, Kaitlyn doesn't blame you nor do I. Let's just get your sister hope, I can take care of her at home. In her own bed and surrounded by all of her favorite things." She tucked a few strands of hair behind London's ear, "She's so beautiful, she's just an angel."

The mood was somber, Kim had dissolved into tears when Hank briefed them on the current situation. While they were pleased to now have names to go along with the faces of London's abductors it did little to comfort Kim.

She had lashed out angrily at them all, Adam catching the brunt of it. He had stormed off just after Kim unleashed on him.

Her words still echoed in his head, and he knew she didn't mean a word of it and that it was irrational and the furthest thing from the truth. It still stung, and it did so because it was precisely how he was feeling.

'You walked away from us, you left us..and it's your fault she's gone! If you hadn't walked little girl would be with my arms! Not with those monsters..." Kim had screamed, only stopping when Erin convinced her to sit down in an office. She was like an erupting volcano and her worlds like lava.

Her words burned Adam, they cut him to the quick and he needed air. He needed away from them all, he pushed Atwater away when he heard the big man following him.

'Just give me a minute..please?' Adam had begged, and Kevin backed off. He was appreciative of that, he felt as if his skin was crawling. He just needed some air, and some space.

It had been nearly thirty minutes since Adam had stalked off angrily, and while Kim had calmed down some, she was asking for Adam. She was starting to get worked up again when no one had been able to locate him.

A flurry of activity kicked off around the administrative offices and it piqued both Hank and Al's interest, they headed down the corridor.

Hank grabbed the elbow of the head of security. "What's up?"

He silenced the radio in his hand, "Shots fired, in the parking garage. We've got a unit headed that way."

Hank shook his head, "No you don't. I've seen your work..and it's shit. My team will deal with it."

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