Chapter 2

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It was either post this now or after I get done with work and since I have a little time this morning, I opted for now.

Thank you for all your amazing support and responses. I really didn't mean to make you cry on the first chapter lol. That was a surprising response and gave me warm butterflies. Enjoy!

Also, my only language is English so Google Translate is a buddy of mine though he can be inaccurate. Take it up with him for anything that's wrong.


**| Dr. Robert's POV |**

I leaned in the doorway and watched with an amused smile. My favorite student was currently inside the room, playfully flirting with a preteen as he meticulously checked on her injuries.

He had the poor child bright red and wonderfully distracted while he cleaned out her open wounds carefully, making sure to take off the old scabs that were ready to come off. He had a gentle touch and a calming voice that worked wonders with children. And he loved children and babies, which you could see by just looking at his bright expression and twinkling green eyes.

Sean finished up and leaned back, sending her a wink. "Done. That wasn't so bad, now was it?" he asked.

She shook her head, speechless as most girls found themselves to be around him. The mother was sitting in the corner, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Come back in two days and we will do another cleaning. I think a few of the sores will be closed up by next week if we keep at it. Remember to keep it clean."

She nodded as the mother stood up and walked over to shake his hand. "Thank you, Dr. Green," she said.

"My pleasure. You have a brave daughter."

The mother beamed at his compliment.

He turned around and spotted me, his eyes lighting with mischief. I cocked an eyebrow letting him know he could try but he wasn't going to get away with whatever he was planning. He just continued to beam as he wrote down notes, gave the mother instructions on taking care of the little girl's wounds. Shortly after, they said their goodbyes.

Sean joined me in the hallway as we watched the mother and daughter walk towards the exit. When they finished, we headed towards my office.

"I want you to come to the meeting with me this evening," I said, already knowing the answer.

"Nuh uh, no way," Sean said, shaking his head. His sandy blond curls flew around his head as he did it, reminding me of a little boy throwing a tantrum. His hair was really getting unruly. I smiled, thinking about Gabriel and how his fingers must be twitching in anxiety, wanting to fix Sean's hair.

"Please?" I asked. I pulled a handful of strawberry hard candy and Sean eyed it for a moment but shook his head.


He really was a tough one to crack sometimes. I had tried apple once before. That didn't work either.

"Why not?" I asked, putting the candy away.

"Because I'm not interested. I don't want to be stuck behind a desk, doing administrative work. I want to be in the field, using my hands." He wiggled his hands in front of his chest as if they were magic fingers. Sean liked to think they were.

"There's more than one way to save the patients who come into the hospital and unfortunately, that means sitting at a desk longer than usual. It doesn't mean you can't still be hands on."

He looked over at me, his green eyes knowing.

I sighed. "I want to retire," I finally admitted.

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