Chapter 9

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Prim's P.O.V

I continued to shake as I stared at the picture of Sapphire and Daniel again. I couldn't believe this, it was so crazy. But something in the back of my head told me it was true.

"This is why we feel a connection to each other isn't it?" I asked Lucas as a tear slipped down my face.

He gave me a small smile. "Yes. Fate decided to give you both another chance, but the devil got there again."

"Wait, you said your father is the one who gave me these powers, so that means you’re the devils son?" I stared at Lucas in disbelief.

"Unfortunately yes. Although he is my father I am nothing like him. When I found out you were alive again and what he was planning to do, I left to come and help you. I can't take your powers away Prim, but I can help you control them, so you don't kill anybody ever again."

"You would do that, for me?" I whispered.

"Like I said I'm not evil. I should have been born in heaven rather than hell."

I smiled slightly. "So heaven and hell are real?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Lucas said, and we burst out laughing at his pathetic answer.

"You know Lucas, I think we will be good friends." I said as the laughter died down.

"Yeah, I agree." He said with a smile. "Now, time to get back to business." He said. "So, I've been watching you for a while now, and no I wasn't stalking you, I was simply figuring out what you needed help with. This might take quite alot of practice, but eventually you will be able to control your powers."

"Cool, so when do we start?" I asked, ready to start as soon as possible.

"Everyday, we will meet here to practice. It's always best to be somewhere private with calming noises. Such as the relaxing sound of the waves. Now is what I am going to do is make the darkness begin to fill your mind and you are going to have to fight against it with your powers of good." Lucas explained.

"Aren't you scared that I might kill you?" I smirked.

"Yes, but I can be out of here in a flash if I think you’re going to kill me. Now, eventually, once we keep practicing, you will be able to fight the darkness without even thinking about it and it will only take up half of your mind. This way you will have complete control over both powers."

"Ohhh, when can we try it?" I asked with a big grin on my face.

"Tomorrow, I still have to tell you about alot of things for today." He replied.


"Let me think, ah yes. Back to the legend. Can you remember anything at all from your previous life?"

I frowned. "No, not at all. I only feel the connection between me and Alex."

Lucas nodded. "You know when your parents died? Do you know what spell they were actually casting?"

I shook my head. "I guess I never really thought about it. Apparently it was only my mom and dad who knew why they were doing the spell, everyone else was clueless, but they went along with it anyways. I just know it caused a fire."

"Well, from my knowledge, they had casted a spell to make sure you kept your good powers and didn't turn fully evil like Sapphire had. They were the only ones that knew, including your Nana Lilly. They knew about the legend and they were trying to save you from history repeating itself. But unfortunately, just as they had successfully completed the spell my father Lucifer came and caused the fire, killing them all in the process."

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