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I managed to reach office at time even after Veronica forcefully took me to the bakery for breakfast. I was in no mood to eat but it's impossible to win from her. On the other note it's good that she forced me. The chocolates and red velvet made me forget everything and I was feeling quite good and positive right now. I was about to walk into my room when Jessica aka the errand girl called me.
"Ms. Mayor...Mr. Brian wants to see you" she said.
"Umm okay"
So much for feeling positive?

I kept my stuffs on my desk and walked towards the devil's room making sure not to trip or fall. I totally regretted wearing this super high heels. They were so uncomfortable. It seemed that it could break any moment. God! It's my fault. Whenever I am low I kind of over dress myself so that the mirror can atleast cheer me up. So considering the view I saw today...well let's just say right now I was giving tough competition to all those super models out there.
I took a moment outside his cabin to calm my heart down. I made sure to knock the door incase he was doing his unfinished business with his girlfriend. As I entered I was surprised that he was actually working. He was leaning on his table reading something.
"Yes you called me?" I asked.
"Yeah. I needed to discuss about that New Orleans trip."
"Sure" I said standing far away from him. He was confused for a moment, waiting for me to take a seat but I had no intentions of being near to him.
"So.." he started off clearing his throat. " We will leave in another ten days. We'll leave in the morning and be back by evening. We just need to attend a board meeting and sign few papers...that's it. I will need you to check the food and the entertainment section. Like if you need to make any changes just note it down and I'll go through it"
"Okay...got it"
"The other details are there in this file..." He walked towards me with the file in his hand.
I took a few steps just to speed up the process as I was eager to leave the room. As we got near my heel broke and I was almost ready to bid goodbye to my head when Jake caught me but we both ended up falling on the floor. Actually only he landed up on the floor. I was on top of him. I clenched on to his shoulders for my dear life and my eyes were shut. After making sure I was alive I gathered courage to open my eyes and as I did that it met those pair of beautiful eyes. It was so unfair for a man to have such beautiful eyes. All the blueness of the oceans seemed colourless when compared to his eyes.
"Comfortable Miss Mayor?" Jake smirked.
I suddenly came back to land from oceans. I immediately tried to get up but was pulled back immediately.
"Ouch!" I cried. My hair was stuck in his buttons.
I tried to get it out but it got tangled badly.
"Take all your time" he whispered.
I couldn't see him but I could literally hear his smirk. I focused my attention in getting myself out of this uncomfortable situation. After what felt like years, my hair was already free and so was I. Seriously if I had to stay like that for one more minute I would have gone for scissors. Don't need such hair that would make me end up in a situation like this. I got up and removed my shoes. I looked at them with sadness. They were uncomfortable but they were my most expensive pair.
"Why do you wear such dangerous things?" Jake asked as he got up.
"Well it can multitask that's why"
"Yeah like it can make you look stylish and in some cases it can be used to bash the balls of some jerks you know" I smiled sarcastically.
"Wow..so thoughtful" he rolled his eyes.
I walked barefoot into my room with my shoes in one hand and the file in the other ignoring the stares I got in between.

                        *  *  *  *  *

After a exhausting day I finally returned home.
"Oh God what happened to them?" Ver asked as she saw my shoes in my hands.
"Well have a look" I said pointing to the broken heels.
"I loved them Ally" she cried as she saw. She was more affected than I was maybe because she forced me into buying this on my last birthday.
"Yeah but that's not the worst thing that happened today" I rolled my eyes. She looked at me confused but I did not have any energy to explain it to her plus I just avoid talking about Jake as much as it's possible.
"So when are we leaving?" She asked following me to my bedroom.
"Oh the party right...I completely forgot about it. I'll just get ready in few minutes" I said collapsing on my bed.
"And what are you wearing?"
"Not decided"
"Umm...it's a costume party Ally"
"Oh shit! I totally forgot about it" I got up immediately.
"I thought so" she said as she left my room.
I was filled with guilt. It was her company's anniversary party and I forgot about the costume. She had the right to get upset. I sat there thinking of how to make amends.
After a minute she walked into my room with packet.
"I know you are not a costume person and would forget about so in the afternoon when I was out shopping, I got this for you" she smiled handing me the packet.
"Oh my God...thank you Ver, err...I mean I'm sorry" I said hugging her.
"It's okay Ally...I wouldn't have gone without you" she laughed.

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