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Another awkward day at office. People have been whispering God knows what the moment I entered the building today and all of this because apparently Jessica saw us when my 'favourite' heels made me land on Jake. So now everybody knows and when I say everybody, I mean even security guards knew. No wonder one of them even offered to carry my bag upto my cabin. Obviously now they would think I'm having some sort of affair with him. Ofcourse Jessica must have exaggerated her heart out.

I was so busy thinking of the possibilities that I didn't even realise when Keira walked in until she took a seat to my opposite.
"Hey still thinking about those rumours?" She asked.
"Don't. You know Jessica"
"Exactly I knew her very well but still I recommended her to Jake." I rolled my eyes.
"Don't worry Alice. You know rumours don't even last a week"
"A week? God! I thought I need to tolerate this for today only and that itself felt too much" I groaned.
"You need some coffee, I'll get it for you"
I smiled as she left. In all these months I have found another close friend in Keira. Here in office she is the one saving me from my masochistic self. She was back in few with a coffee and some fries. My love for this girl just multiplied hundred times.
"Here you go" she said placing it in my table.
I smiled and took a sip of the much needed detox. Just then Max came inside in a hurry. His eyes were red and he looked pale.
"Alice...I just got a call from Mr. Cook's driver..." He was panting.
"What happened?" I stood up.
"They found him unconscious in the morning....and they rushed him to the hospital...it's critical"
As soon as I heard the last two words the cup slipped from my hand. The hot coffee burned my hands but that was nothing compared to that burning sensation in my chest. My legs felt weak. Keira had to hold me to stand straight.
"Look at your hands...Alice wait I'll get some ice" Keira said.
"You stay with her.. I'll get it" Max told Keira.
"No take me to him..." I whispered with all my strength.
"Alice but your hands.." Max kneeled down before me examining my hands.
"Please just take me to him right now" I cried.

                          *  *  *  *  *
"Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I do not lie here, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sun on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain,
When you awaken in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die"

I came across this poem after mom passed away and even though it didn't entirely took away my pain it made me believe that it's not the end. I know it might seem like it's some kind of false hope I'm giving myself to feel better but we are humans and what is life without clinging on to something that helps us to move forward? So yes that poem did give me something to hold on to.

As I stood again right in the front row seeing history repeat itself,yet again I clutched on to that paper in which those lines were embedded. I stood silently near Mr. Cook's grave as people came by with flowers. Some gave me a sympathetic pat, some assured me that it'll all be okay but I knew better. It wasn't the first time I was going such a tremendous loss.

People around talked about how he went on from a small town guy to this rich successful businessman. They talked about his achievements, how great a golf player he was and how he loved dancing but what they didn't know that he was much more than that. Someone who forgot to raise his own family because he was so busy seeing his family in each of the employees. I saw the love and affection he had for each one of us. How he quietly slid chocolates into the drawers of those whose work he appreciated. To the world he was just a successful business man but to me he was a father I never had. I was always somewhere thankful that I didn't have to share him with anyone. His fatherly love was not only for me though. So many times he has made an excuse to stay late at the office when he saw any employee working till late at night. He pretended that he had work of his own but I knew he was just making sure they don't over stress themselves.

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