"Ace," I whisper softly.
A pair of hazel- brownish eyes turn to me, encapsulating me. His eyes.
I almost forgot the tramps surrounding me until one of them laughed harshly and asked, "Dude, what do ya want? "
Another one asks, "Clear up or we," flashing his eyes towards me dangerously, he continued, "or we don't mind sharing,"
The others chuckle and look at each other. Ace doesn't react, physically.
Though, you can see his nostrils flare with anger and a fiery glare burning behind his eyes, like harming anyone who comes in his path. Moving forward, he punches one tramp, kicking another. Blocking the other's punch...I squeeze my eyes shut.
I don't see what happens after that. Fighting, has always been repulsive, abominable and foul to me. I hate seeing people fight. It makes me nauseous and well...dizzy. My parents... I don't like thinking about this subject. All I hear now is grunts and groans and punches being thrown.
My thoughts are distracted when I feel a soft pair of hands planted on my cheekbones. They aren't cold and disgusting as the tramps but warm and somehow welcoming. I immediately feel them as Ace's. His fingers softly brushing against my cheeks, sending warm and protective sensations all over my body.
"They are gone," Ace whispers, softly.
I un-clench my jaw and open my eyes, Ace is standing in front of me. A slight bruise is there on his cheek bone and his lip is cut.
I gasp and whisper, "Your lip's cut, Ace,"
My hands involuntarily go to his lips and slightly graze against them.
He whispers back, "You can just suck them to stop the bleeding,"
Leave Ace to make dirty comments like that in a situation like this.
I chuckle uneasily, trying to ignore the long forgotten sensations going all over my body. Then pulling back, I say, "You might need stitches for that,"
He touches the bruise on his cheek, it's actually a cut and bleeding profusely, "Nah! I don't think so," then suddenly turning serious, he asks, "Did they touch you?"
I shake my head and say, "Ace, you need first aid..." Then I continue hesitatingly, not trusting my own words, "I-I-I can do it for you,"
He smiles and nods at me. "But I would have to pick up Kyle first," I warn him.
He nods, a taut expression reappearing on his face. I sigh, knowing what he was thinking about. Voicing my thoughts he asks, "Can't I have a place in Kyle's future?"
I don't say anything. A part of me wants to forgive him and let Kyle meet him for a few days in a week but the other part reminds me of his... well what he did to me and how can I let him have a place in Kyle's future, how would I ever let Kyle know what really did happen? It's complicated.
We walk through another few alleyways, until I see his child care centre. The mistress is standing there with Kyle, looking grim. I rush towards them, Ace following behind closely. Kyle, leaps towards me on seeing me. His mistress's expression softens as Kyle hugs me and cries, "Mommy!"
I put him down and ask Ms. Donnell, "Is every thing alright, Miss Donnell?"
"Yes, yes," she say vaguely, "We were just worried about you,"
Then turning on her heel she walks back, without another word. Strange as hell.
Kyle, I see is touching Ace's cut lip and telling him something about germs entering his body etc. Laughing, I walk up to them, Kyle turns towards me and then says seriously, "Mommy, we need to give first aid to daddy. His health condition can deteriorate drastically if we don't cover his cuts,"
Me and Ace both stare at him. Then shaking myself up, I say, "Yes my little doctor, Ace can come home so we can help him,"
"Daddy," he corrects me promptly. Ace grins smugly at me whereas my face remains expressionless. What can I say anyways, Kyle hasn't said anything wrong.
I rub the cotton ball on his cut lip gently, trying to focus anywhere but his lips. They are so... so... so...never mind.
Ace is staring gravely at me, his mind working with something, I am freaking sure of it.
"So," Ace says meaningfully, "Can I have a place in Kyle's future?"
I reply a firm, "No."
"Come on," he whines, "You know that if we take this to court, I will win the case,"
I press on his wound sharply, making sure it stings and then whisper, "Rich people,"
He mutters an 'ouch' and says, "Kyle would want me to, besides I got him searched up, his name is Kyle Kingman, you know,"
I sigh, knowing this would come up sometime soon. I couldn't think of anything else while filling his birth certificate, mother's name could cause the officers to question me and all, so I did the most reasonable thing I could do, write 'Kingman' as surname.
"Please," he literally begs.
I look at him. He looks sincere enough, and those pleading eyes, they can be your death. He can make you do anything with just pulling the puppy face of his. Yet, he saved me from those tramps again. He does care about Kyle, I can see it in his eyes but yet...
My mind is rushing with thoughts, implications and consequences. I can't think of anything. What to do! I guess under the strain, I dabbed too much of medicine on his wound as he cried slightly.
"What a child," I mutter, smiling slightly.
He grins at me, but the serious look doesn't disappear from his face. Indicating, he is still waiting for my reply.
I sigh, before finally making up my mind and whisper.

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...