"Katherine, get up Kathy," I could hear someone whispering my name in my ear.
"Come on Ace," I whined and turned towards the other side, "Five more minutes,"
"Absolutely not," he said.
I sat up groggily and focused my gaze at him. Then narrowing my eyes, I said, "This is my house, I will sleep till whenever I want to here,"
He folded his arms on his chest and asked, "Even if Kyle's school starts in like," he looked at his wrist watch and then continued, "in like fifteen minutes?"
I looked at him wide eyed and my mouth wide open. "WHAT THE HELL!" I cried. Then looking at the clock, I yelped. Ace is right, his school does start in like fifteen minutes!
I quickly got up and rushed past Ace to Kyle's room but he wasn't there. Turning back, I looked at Ace murderously and asked, "Where is Kyle, Kingman?"
Ace simply laughed at me, leaning on the door frame. I advanced towards him when a small voice interrupted me, "Mommy?"
Kyle was standing behind Ace, properly dressed up in his school uniform and munching a toast.
I sighed and gestured Kyle to come and hug me. I repeat, I am a hugger.
Kyle ran towards me jovially and wrapped his small arms around my neck. Then he whispered, "Mommy! Daddy is home!"
"Yeah sweety, I noticed," I sighed at his enthusiasm.
"AND HE MADE ME PANCAKES!" he shouted, stepping back and pointing at the giant pancake mountain.
My mouth hung open. In front of me were at least ten pancakes stacked on top of one another and another two inches full of chocolate syrup and whipped cream. Even Jordan couldn't manage that!
I slowly turned towards Ace. He was looking at me with an amused expression and said, "Careful, you might catch a fly!"
Then he closed my jaw. I swallowed and tried not to look at the pancake heaven in front of me.
Then mumbling, "I will just go and freshen up," I exited the room.
"I''ll drop off Kyle to school," I heard Ace shouting behind me.
I turned around and was about to blurt out a 'No' but Ace beat me to it, "I am going to do that. I have called my driver and-"
"Yeah it's fine," I muttered, to my own surprise. He looked at me with a bewildered expression but nodded and followed Kyle out of the house. I trust Ace enough to drop Kyle off to school, what can-
"So how is it?" Ace asked, as I practically drowned my face into the pancake heaven.
"Can I hire you to make this for me?" I asked him with my mouth full.
"And how will you pay me?" he asked suggestively.
"I know very well what you are driving at," I retorted with narrowed eyes.
He chuckled and shook his head. I noticed his hair again, it was still extremely silky and black. That's his only body part that I can fall in love with.
"Stop ogling me Katherine," he said with a amused face.
I retorted, embarrassed at been caught, "I wasn't ogling you!"
"You were,"
"I wasn't!"
"Were," still calmly.
"Wasn't!" I cried and my hand inched towards the water glass. He took it out of my reach and chuckled as I 'hmpfed' dismayed.
Then his expression changing into a grave one, he said, "I want you to go to a mall with me,"
"Yeah right," I muttered uninterested.
"I am serious!"
"You are?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. Honestly, I thought he was playing me but he nodded still with that serious expression.
"But you can't be!" I cried again, horrified, "What for anyways?!"
"To buy you clothes," he said firmly.
I looked at my clothes and asked, "What's wrong with them?"
"There's nothing wrong with them, you just don't have enough of them."
"The whole shelf there is filled with my clothes Ace!" I indicated the shelf in my room that was visible from the dining counter.
"Look am I not a friend of yours?"
I answered him hesitatingly, "Y-y-e-Yes," (Remembering my own words)
"Then do best friends not have the right to drive their best friends to a mall with 'em?"
"A. You aren't my best friend," I raised my index finger and then my middle one to indicate a two, "B. My manager won't ever allow me to take another day off! C. Stop using my words against me!" I finished, thanking my stringent boss for the first time in my life.
He slapped his hands on the counter, with equal amused anger and mimicked my finger gestures, "A. I am your best friend B. Your manager Madison has already allowed you and C. I will use your own words against you as long as I want!"
"How did you even manage to do that," I asked perplexed, "her name is Madeline by the way,"
"Madeline," with special emphasis on the name, "assented to my request me giving her a promotion,"
"You didn't need to do that!" I protested.
"C'mon I can do at least this for a friend, right?"
I looked at him, suspiciously. There was some anger and resent in his voice whenever he said 'friend'. I tried to shrug off the uneasy and somehow... incomplete feeling whilst he said that.
Then staring at him for another few moments. I sighed and accepted his offer, "Fine..."
He nodded with a smug smile and said,"Get ready fast the driver is here already,"
"Wipe that smug look off your face, Kingman," I glared at him, "otherwise I will slap it off!"
His face instantaneously transformed into a straight one but one could still see the ghost of a smile visible.
As I was retreating into my room, I heard Ace shout in an overly girly voice, "Come on honey! Don't take long!"

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...