"Ace?" I ask him, for some reason whispering.
"Katherine?" he contorts his face, mimicking my confused expression and then taking a swig from the beer bottle in his hand.
I watch him, horrified. I have seen all kinds of Ace- the egotistical one, the sentimental one, the cunt one, the horny one... but a drunk Ace, he is much more difficult to understand than he already is!
He raises his hand to take another swig, but I stop him.
"That's it Ace! You had enough of drink tonight..."
He looks at me with a confused expression again, then at his beer bottle and then replies, "Ohhhh..."
Sighing, I ask, "How many beer bottles did you drink?"
He says, "Nine!" and gestures ten with his hand.
"Come inside Ace," I murmur. He walks forwards, more like staggers. I help him inside and then on the couch.
"Let me get water for you," I mutter and get up, before checking him. Well, otherwise of his drunk condition, he seems intact. I rush to the kitchen and pour a glass of water for him.
When I come back, he is lying on the couch, all curled up.
"Ace?" I near him. He looks up and then hiccups twice. I help him with drinking the water and observe him for a few moments. He gestures for another one, so I rush back and forth the kitchen again.
He accepts it and drinks readily, this time without my help. Visibly sobering, he mumbles, "Thank you, Katherine,"
I stare at him, wait for him to explain his current situation but he says nothing. Instead, just stares a wall, behind me. I sigh and finally break the silence, "What happened Ace?"
"I do not know," he whispers back, unsure. He looks so vulnerable and weak, I feel like hugging him. WHAT!? I AM A HUGGER.
I get up and sit beside him but careful not to touch him. He clenches his hands and un-clenches them, a habit of his when he is stressed. Repeating it a few more times until I cannot take it anymore.
I hold his hands tightly and use my other hand to force him to look at me. I gasp when I observe him closely, there are dark bags under his eyes, tear marks on his cheeks and frown lines on his forehead. The concealer was deliberately used to cover the bags and wrinkled lines.
I whisper, "What ha-" quickly stopping myself, I change my sentence, "It's okay if you don't want to tell me... just answer me once- are you alright?"
He looks at me, gravely. Then sighs, all power releasing from his taut features and he mutters, "It's okay, I will tell you...at least parts of it,"
I nod and wait for him to continue. He looks at our closed hands and then starts, "My dad had a heart attack, his condition is now stable of course...but it scared me terribly. He is like the light of my life, the hope when all others had abandoned me, Katherine...Losing him would be like living a terrible nightmare..." he shudders and then whispers, as if living something agonising, "Then there are also problems at work, Kathy...and at home also...Sometimes I do not know what to do, like living this life was such a big mistake for me, I could have been someone different, entirely...if only I had the courage," looking at me he says, "You are right, I am a coward, a good for nothing bastard, a-"
"Stop it!" I screech and look at him appallingly, "Are you fucking serious! I just said that because I..." rampaging my brain for something more useful, I mutter, "Ace, I said that because I had nothing else to say. You aren't a coward o-r, or," I shake me head disgustingly at the choice of Ace's words, "A good for nothing bastard!"
Tears stream down my eyes as I whisper, "You are Ace Kingman! The most hottest bachelor in town! The most powerful person that I ever know, adamant but lovely in his own egotistical way... you are NOT a bastard!" my breaths heaves at my sudden outburst, "If you say something like that one more time, I will smack your face Kingman!"
He looks at me as I look at him through my tear stricken eyes. I quickly wipe the tears with the back of my hand and chuckle, "I don't even know why I am crying...I-I-"
"Shh..." he whispers and holds my hand on my lap. Then wiping my tears, he laughs, "That's the only time I had ever heard you call me hot..."
I chuckle slightly and shake my head. "Hey, if you are really that sad, I am here for you," I say staring at him, "as a friend." Of course, trying to ignore his crestfallen face at my 'as a friend' remark.
He nods at me, trying to wipe the gloomy expression off his face and then asks, "Can I crash at your place tonight?"
I hesitate at this sudden request, but after a few moments, nod affirmatively, "Sure...But you sleep on the couch."
"Or maybe in your room?" he asks suggestively, amusement dancing in his eyes.
I laugh and mutter, "And the Ace I know is back."
Then, rummaging through my drawer, I search for an extra tooth brush and blanket for him. Then grabbing a pillow off my bed, I enter into the living room where Ace is already making himself comfortable. I give him his things and then say unsure, "I am afraid I don't have anything for you to wear tonight, unless you can fit in my pyjamas,"
"Not a chance," he mutters and thanks me.
After having brushed his teeth, Ace danced...yes literally danced into the room and beamed at me, "I am so ready to sleep!"
"Did you drink something again?" I ask surveying him.
He shakes his head and pouts, "C'mon lady lemme be happy!"
"Definitely drunk," I mutter as he jumps on the couch and wriggles beneath the blankets.
"Are you sure you aren't hungry?" I ask maybe for tenth time.
"No," he replies firmly and well... I am not sure what is he doing...
"Did you just sniff my pillow?" I ask bewildered.
Defending himself, he says, "Well it smells of you!"
I shake my head and then suddenly something strikes my head. I say to him hurriedly, "Ace- listen I am sorry, for saying that pregnant thing when the phone call came... I -I-"
"Yeah I know you didn't mean that,"
"You do?"
He nods and then lays his head on the pillow tiredly. I check the main doors and then Kyle's room (He's fast asleep) and finally turn of the living room's lights.
"Good night Kathy," Ace whispers, absolutely exhausted.
"Good night Ace," I whisper back.

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...