I did not go to work the next day.
I am pretty sure my boss wouldn't have a problem with that.
I do not know what to do, now. I have dropped Kyle to his school, washed clothes and watched TV without doing it. It's like I am alive but dead inside. Kyle has been pestering me since waking up, asking me if I am alright but I am pretty sure he doesn't know the reason why am I not alright.
Jordan is coming today by a noon flight, that gives me enough time to pick her up and then Kyle from the school. Many things have been upon my mind, Ace, Ace and Ace. Plus his newly found wife, Kyle and Jordan. But mostly Ace.
I feel like dragging him from his collar, punching him twice and then murdering him thrice. But after that forgiving him, I just want things to revert back to normal as they were but I know that it is not going to be possible like ever. Forgive, is a strong word. Just as depression, suicide and killing. You want to forgive people but your mind doesn't let you forget the past. The horrors of lies come rushing to you, harder than anything and faster than a tsunami.
Can I please sleep in a corner and wake up.... Like never?
It's much better.
Also, I have got almost a hundred missed calls and messages from Cassandra and Cole, to which I do not know how to reply to. Maybe they aren't expecting me to reply at all... or maybe they are?
Man! I don't know what to do!?
But on top of all this, I cannot believe that Ace lied to me. But I guess, I have never been that understanding enough. Initially, not letting him have a place in Kyle's future or never really understanding why he just left me that morning...
Life hasn't been easy for him too.
But then again so hasn't mine.
And in the end, he just made it harder.
"Jordan!" I wave my best friend over the gate. She looks like a lost puppy in the middle of the whole crowd dispersing from the flight arrival area. Just a little less cute and lovely. Don't tell her I said that.
On spotting me, she runs over the ledge, the suitcases long forgotten and abandoned some feet behind her, "Katherine!"
She literally jumps on me and encloses me in a tight hug. God I need this!
"Why, is anything wrong?" she asks me, her brows furrowing.
Oops! I just said that aloud. I just shake my head and then proceed to pick one of her suitcase up as she picks the other one.
"God!" I mutter as I pick it up, "This wasn't this heavy when you took it from here?"
She smiles at me apologetically but the frown doesn't leave her face. She, then, leads me to a coffee both some two shops away. We take our seats in a cosy looking booth at the end... where I know that I am going to die.
She looks at me and scrutinises my face. I squirm under her prudent gaze as she finally opens her mouth, "Something is up..."
No shit Sherlock!
"N-n-n-No..." I stammer and then smile awkwardly, "W-w-why do you think so?"
"Drop the act, moron," There! I knew this was coming, "What happened over the days I was gone?"
"Nothing," I answer her promptly, nervously tucking a stray lock behind my ear.
She sighs dramatically and then asks again, "You telling me or do I get it out from you?"

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...