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No words can describe what I am truly feeling right now. There are a hundred people out right there waiting for me to walk down that aisle, that too in a wedding gown which is so enormous. I am so going to ruin this.

"Hey! Kathy! Hey!" Jordan snaps her fingers in front of my face, breaking me out of my reverie. A look of concern washes over her face as she says, "Kathy, it's going to be alright-"

"But!" I interrupt, letting go of all the restraints I have on me, "What if I trip! Or maybe fall! What if-" I can see Cassandra looking over at me worriedly. God the woman is more active than me! She has literally managed everything with Jordan's help whilst I was doing...nothing. I feel guilty now.

"What if," Cassandra terminates my babble, "What if is a choice, Katherine. What if you fly..."

"Cassie, not the time to be deep," Jordan retorts, "Kathy, listen," her voice turns an octave deeper as she speaks, "When you walk through these doors, you are going to see a thousand people who don't give a shit about you...but the man who is waiting at the end of the aisle, he will go through freaking seven worlds to get back to you again! Just do this for him, focus on the ass-" she quickly glances at Cassandra and amends, "Focus on Ace,"

"Focus on Ace," I whisper and repeat the mantra in my head. Do this for him, Kathy.

"Yes, and anyways I would be walking with you, wouldn't I?" she reassures me with a small smile.

"Yep," I smile back at her. Jordan is going to walk me down the aisle, she has been a sister, family and literally the only person who kept me sane all this years. This crazy woman deserves this.

"Okay Guys! It's time!" Veronica bustles through the crowd of hundreds of maids rushing back and forth. Kendall trails behind her silently.

Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of me. Even I am admitting this, I do look beautiful. I just somehow do today. She compliments me with an eyebrow raised, "Wow, Katherine...I never thought I would ever be saying this, but you do look...beautiful,"

"I am surprised you didn't die by the amount of struggle you had to got through while saying that," Jordan retorts innocently. Thankfully, Kendall seemed to ignore Jordan.

"It's time!" Veronica repeats again,simultaneously giving me a thumbs up. Kendall grabs the flowers and takes position in front of me. 

At the same time, I see Kyle walking through the door. His eyes light up when he spots me and runs towards me. "You look beautiful mommy!" he compliments. 

"Thanks sweetie," I mumble mumble. He, on the other hand, looks amazing in the suit and tie.

"You can do this," Cassandra assures me and then disappears behind the doors. 

I can do this. I can feel the hall on the other side of the doors quietened down as they await our arrival. Soothing music plays in the back ground. 

Beads of sweat accumulate at the border of my eyebrows, though Jordan wipes it with her handkerchief immediately. I mentally thank her and look down at my shoes. Yep, you read that right, shoes. Golden converses to be precise, I had enough of heels.

The doors open and Jordan laces her hand through mine. Kendall and Veronica, my bridesmaids start walking followed my Kyle with the rings. "I can do this," I whisper as I feel Jordan walking.

I walk down the church hall. I spot some recognisable faces in the crowd but the rest are unknown. My eyes fall upon Richard and Cole, Richard is smiling lightly at me whereas Cole is waving manically. 

And then my eyes fall on Ace. Fire crackers burst! I see only him! Oh my knight in shining armour! No, that doesn't happen. He looks the same in the suit, just a little more mature and hair, for this time (and to my utmost disapproval) combed.

He is smiling brightly at me. Brightly. Beautifully. Magically. Mischievously... the list goes on forever. I smile back with equal exuberance.

I look to my left, Jordan is smiling at the crowd. Tendrils of her hair stick to her face, I note. I look to my right and...I feel as if the whole world has stopped. I see her walking with me. I do not know whether I am imagining this or I have gone literally crazy but I do see her.

She is healthy and smiling beautifully, not at the crowd but at me. She hasn't changed at all, there are still the freckles on her nose and small dimples at the side of her cheeks. She then looks forward still smiling, her hand weaving through mine and continues walking.

I do the same. I look forward and I glance at Ace again. He is still smiling at me, grinning almost. I know the only thing that is forbidding him right now to jump on me is Cole who has handcuffed/holding his hands.

We have now reached them. Jordan places my hand in Ace's outstretched one. Her eyes are full of amusement as she says to Ace, "I have a gun with me, Kingman. Proceed with caution, otherwise..."

I chuckle lightly and look at my right again but all I see is a sea of hundreds of smiling faces. She is gone. 

No wait, she is there. She always was.

I look at Ace again. His smile never seems to fade. Leading me to the priest, my hand enclosed in his. I finally feel complete.

Because in the end, we will only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we were afraid to have and the decisions we waited too long to make.



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