"That's too many shops!" I whined and looked around me, bewildered. I turned to Ace who was giving some orders to his body guard. He looked at me, smiled gorgeously and at that moment... I felt air getting knocked out of me. You know that moment in some movies when the main actor looks at the actress with a smile that is just magical and BOOM! The music plays and shiz like that.
Until this moment , I thought it was all fictional. But the way he smiled, my brain went hay wire at that. He was talking about something to me but I just stared at him with inexpressible thoughts storming my brain.
"Hey?" he asked.
I blinked and shook my head, embarrassed. He looked at me with mixture of confusion and amusement. I tried to remember my complaint, harassing my brain till it strikes me,
"There are too many shops!"He sighed and said, "Fine, just a few shops and then we-"
"then we eat," I finish firmly, taking no arguments.
"Fine," he says and then encloses my hand in his and leads me to the first show room. I try to ignore the tingling feeling in my palm. Key word here, try.
I look around us, there aren't may people here. Well, that's kind of strange. Though it's a weekday, this mall is always full.
"Why are there so less people here?"
"I rented this floor for a day," he mutters and studies me (for a reaction).
I sigh and say, "That's the kind of thing you would do..."
An elderly woman greets us in Shop No. 1 (I don't know in which clothing company shop we are). She looks at me and smiles warmly, "What can I do for you today?"
"Casual clothes,"
"Dresses," both Ace and me blurt at the same time. I glare at him and say, "Casual clothes!"
"Dresses!" he argues back.
"How about both?" the lady interrupts us in a small voice. I 'hmpf' and break into a small smile, "Fine, both..."
"That was like the hundredth shop you took me too!" I whine and look at Ace who was holding like ten bags.
"We can go to another one!" he suggests.
"No," I say firmly.
"You aren't even holding the bags!"
"Don't blame that at me, Kingman," I narrow my eyes at him, "I was previously taking them, wasn't I? But you were being over gentlemanly and-"
"Fine, it was my fault," he sighs. This is like the fifth time he has accepted his fault. I know why he is doing this, so that we can have our own little time, alone and without fighting. It's so un- Ace but still oddly cute.
"Should I hold some of them?" I offer. I take some of them, ruling out his protests and head towards the McDonald's.
"Okay... favourite TV show," Ace asks, putting the dips and fries on the table.
I ponder on this question. "Umm... The Vampire Diaries! Yours?"
"Game of Thrones," he replies decisively.
"Favourite song at the moment," I ask him.
"Bad Habits by Kooks," he says, taking a bite from his burger. A drop of sauce sticks at the corner of his mouth.
"You got something here," I pointed the corner of my mouth.
"Where?" he asks, amusement dancing in his eyes. I shake my head and take an open sauce sachet and move my hand towards the corner of his mouth. Then grabbing both his hands I pin them down. Then I pour the entire sauce on his face.
"You forget, two can play this game Kingman," I say between my laughs.
"You just didn't!" he shrieks.
I am too lost in my own laughter that I am oblivious of his evil plan. He pours the dip on my favourite T-shirt.
"Ace!" I shriek and smack his arm while he is in hysterics. He still has that odd and contagious laugh.
I laugh with him. It's been a long time since I've been so..so..
"Hey mommy!" Kyle runs up to me and jumps in my arms.
"Hey Kyle," I mumble and put him down after a few moments. Then he runs into Ace's arms who gives him a twirl and then puts Kyle on his shoulders. I smile at both of them, sometimes I feel I am trapped in a dilemma. I want Ace to be in Kyle's life, he is much to involved to let go at this moment...yet, I feel Ace is hiding something from me...
"You know you do have a bad habit of zoning out," Ace says and balances Kyle carefully on his shoulders.
"Sorry," I mutter and then to Kyle, "Be careful Kyle! Don't move too much..."
"Don't worry he's safe with me," Ace says. Though these words are constricted, they do hold an enormous meaning behind it. Ace doesn't only mean this moment but... his whole life. Is Kyle really safe with him? Yes, I know he is.
But that means trusting him too. Can I trust him?
I don't know.
Maybe I want to.
I hear the door bell ringing.
Keeping the knife down on the table, I rush to open the door. Then wishing I hadn't.
There stand an old man, his boots old and his breath full of stench of alcohol, my landlord.
I try to smile and say, "Mr. Goode what a surprise to have you here?"
He grunts and then pushes past me in the house. He sits on the sofa with his legs on top of the table with an attitude I had gladly want to slap off.
Then he sneers, "Katherine, you must be forgetting that you have to pay the rent,"
I clasp my hands and plead, "Mr. Goode I wonder if it would be alright if you would-"
He interrupts me and bursts, "No, Ms. Jones. It would not be alright for me to give you a few more days! I am tired of hearing your bull shit every time you bitch!"
Cue his rants.
"You don't have a husband to support you and you have the child of a random stranger-"
"Mr. Goode! There are a lot of women that are able to live their life independently as a single mother," I mutter horrified.
"I believe so, but that;s not the only reason why I am here...."
"Why then?"
"I need you to leave this house. I have my nephew and his wife who are coming to live here. I am giving you tonight's time. By four tomorrow after noon you must be gone with my rent cheque,"
"That's on an extremely short notice!" I cry, trembling, "Where would we go?"
"I don't know woman! Just get that little piece of shit and your own shit out of here! I don't care if you are on roads or-"
"Nobody talks to her like that." A thunderous voice boomed in the house.

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...