I quickly wrap the scarf around my neck and help Kyle into his sweater, then Kyle rushes off to the living room to Ace. He has made an unmistakable bond with Ace, in such a little amount of time. Even Ace understands him quite well and Kyle also enjoys Ace's presence, probably even loves it.
It's all kind of wholesome yet doubtful.
"Kathy?" Ace calls out.
"Coming!" I shout back and get into my boots. Then checking myself in the mirror one last time, I walk in the living room. Kyle is jumping up and down excitedly to what Ace is telling him. Then turning towards me, he cries, "Mommy! Daddy is buying me a remote control helicopter!"
I go on my knees in front of him and run my hand through his hair adoringly, "That's cool, sweetheart,"
Then I get up to see Ace's hand outstretched, one grabbing Kyle's and other waiting for mine. I simply ignore it and move out of the house. I catch a frown appear on his face but pretend not to notice it. Then locking the door we proceed to his SUV.
It's a Range Rover. He opens the door for Kyle, who hops in and then for me. I mutter a quick 'thank you' and slide in the seat. Then Ace jogs to the other side and switches on the engine. Panic! At the Disco's 'This is Gospel' plays in the car. Without knowing, I hum the lyrics of the song until Ace says, "Your song choices haven't changed much,"
"Panic! At the Disco's songs aren't forgettable ones," I reply.
"That's true," he remarks, chuckling.
"Mum," Kyle interrupts whatever Ace was going to say and asks, "Why don't you live with dad?"
Why! Kyle why!
"I...I..." words fail from my mouth as I look at Ace. His face is regrettable, almost tormented, "We just don't."
"So you guys have never lived together, like you know Mike and Noah...." he asked again confused.
I didn't reply. Ace, on the other hand was studying me gravely and then spoke, "Kyle would you want mum and dad to live together?"
I turned to him shocked. Kyle shouted, "Yes!"
I muttered, "Shut up Ace,"
"But he wants us!" Ace argued.
"We aren't having this discussion Kingman,"
"But why can't we?"
"Because we just can't," Because I am afraid that I will succumb to all your wishes and would never be able to pull out, even when I know that it will be dreadfully wrong and there may be a ninety percent chance of the past repeating itself again. Of course, I didn't say that.
After a few moments we reached the mall. I opened the door and then Kyle's, avoiding Ace's eyes the whole time. Kyle jumped out and ran to the entrance, joyfully.
Then Ace and I followed Kyle, both lost in their own deep thoughts.
"FU-" I stopped and instinctively looked at Kyle who was munching his popcorn, clearly enjoying his parents' bantering.
Me and Ace have been arguing where to eat for the past five minutes like kids as to where should we have dinner.
"Excuse me burger has cheese," Ace argued.
"Pizza has cheese freaking all over it," I retort. Some of the parents here and there were eyeing us weirdly.
I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it. Then sighing, I muttered, "Fine, we will have burger,"
Ace smiles triumphantly and proceeds towards the burger place. He buys Kyle an extremely large burger, I don't know which because I've never been here. Then he whispers in my ear, "Be back in a minute," and runs out the door.
After about five minutes, he places a plate of my favourite pizza on the table. Hehehehe...
"Thanks," I smile at him and dig into my pizza.
"You know things would have been much different if I hadn't left you that morning, "Ace muttered while walking in the park. After three hours of some car racing game, we finally came home. Kyle went to his room and after a few minutes was snoring, pretty loudly. Ace offered that we go for a walk. Having nothing to do, I accepted his offer.
"I guess they would have been," I mused out loud, "You know you never really told me why you left..."
He looked at me gravely and replied, "It was because...I was scared," He whispered, "I have never welcomed the idea of love, with any woman. Love, I believed had always brought ruins and sorrow to my family. My mom, slipped into depression after my father cheated on her, she left him. My step dad has been extremely good to her. My sister almost killed herself after her fiance left her for another unscrupulous woman,"
"Love, so I have seen is also a distraction and well... it didn't exist for me,"
"You said didn't," I pointed out.
"Yes," then entwining his hand with mine, he continued, "didn't. Because I met this beautiful woman at a hotel. I felt something different towards her, but when she confessed her love to me, being a cowardly person I was, I left her. Biggest mistake of my life," we had stopped. He looked in my eyes, which spoke volumes itself, "she occupied my mind each and every day, even came in my dreams and then I knew something, that I missed her. So I got her found out, she worked in a new place, I kept my eye on her for four months-"
"You fucking followed me for four months and didn't even talk to me!" I screeched.
"Yes, because I was scared that the feeling you had for me would be gone and you would be someone entirely different,"
"Aren't I?"
His eyes shadowed, inspected me from my breasts to my legs and back up to my eyes and he replied, "Yes, you have,"
"Great," I muttered. What a pervert.
"Then," he sighed, "I finally reached out to her and got to know that she had my kid and of the hardships she had faced all over the years, only because of me," his hands were on my arms, holding me close, "I thought that had I been more understanding back in the day, then I probably would have a beautiful woman to look for me," his hands were now caressing my cheekbones, and the funny thing was that I wasn't protesting, "Now here I am, Katherine. And you must know that I would not be able to live without you," THIS WAS WRONG! "and I have made you my mission,"
Then finally, his lips closed on mine. Tings and sparks were exploding in my stomach, my eyes closed as I neared him.
His hands slowly massaged my arms and then rested on the small of my back. Hesitatingly, I moved my hands in his hair. Damn! They are still soft and silky, I wonder how he achieves that.
Note to self- steal Ace's shampoo and conditioner (if he has one).
Our lips moving in sync and fireworks exploding in the sky.
I know that this is wrong.
But God, did it feel so good.
IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...