"There he is!" I point at Kyle, who is walking with his friends.
Catching sight of me, he runs towards us. "Hey, young man," I murmur and nuzzle his hair.
"Mom!" he complains and whines, struggling to be away from me.
"Fine, fine!" I chuckle and let him go. Seriously! If anyone can lift my mood, it is going to be Kyle.
"Hey dad," Kyle mutters shyly and hugs Ace.
"Hey Kyle," Ace says, picks him up and gives him a twirl as Kyle squeals.
After our little reunion, we make our way towards Ace's car (he'd called someone from his office for it). All of us squeezing in the back seat...well not literally squeezing...there was enough space for four in the back in this SUV and Kyle barely counts as one.
"So how was your day, Kyle?" I ask him, pinching his cheek gently.
Kyle makes a protesting sound but replies, "It went pretty well...we got our papers back..."
"How much did you get?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.
"Full," he prompts and lays his head in my lap.
Ace sighs and runs his hand through Kyle's hair. I look up at him, he is smiling at Kyle but there is tiredness and exhaustion in it.
Without thinking, I reach out and take his hand. He looks at me, surprised. But I just smile wordlessly and squeeze it.
It passes the message.
When we reach Jordan's house, I notice the door is unlocked. Frowning I ask Kyle, "Kyle, did Jords say anything about coming home early?"
"Nah..." he says and then proceeds to tell Ace about his new research.
I sigh and ring the door bell.
After a few moments, a slight approaching humming can be heard behind the door. It opens with Jordan with a hair brush in her hand, smiling wide and toothily.
"HEYA!" she shouts and then...her eyes fall on Ace.
The smile vanishes off her face. Instead a look of anger and fury transitions on her face. Jeez, the hair brush in her hand now is not a good idea.
Ace however oblivious to her expressions, stretches out his hand, "Hi, you must be Jordan. I am Ace, Ace Kingman,"
Jordan looked at me disbelievingly, I mirrored her expression. She then turned to Ace and laughed, sarcastically. Stopping suddenly, she threatened him, "If you value that hand of yours, you will remove it from front of me,"
Ace's business like smile faltered slightly. His look morphed into a confused one and he asked, "I don't understand?"
"Are you fucking dumb!" Jordan bellowed, "Do you not understand!? Remove the fucking hand from front of me," then she continued, disgusted, "I have no interest in being friends with likes of you..."
"Hey! Hey!" I interrupted them, "Language!" I told Jordan pointedly.
"Fine," she grumbled. Her eyes, though, still focused on Ace, cunning and vigil.
"What did I do to offend you?" Ace asked in a polite voice despite a look of thunder plastered on his face.
"Offend me!" Jordan cried exasperated, "Your face offends me, your voice offends me...everything related to you offends me!" she pushed past me and stood with an intimidating stance in front of Ace, "Look, Kingman. You are the reason for the tears of my best friend each and every time and I am tired to see her sad and desolate for so long! Moreover, when everything was going right again you dropped a freaking bomb out of" she flailed her arms for extra effect, "NOWHERE! Therefore you are my enemy,"

Abandoned with His Child {COMPLETED}
RomanceImagine this. You are treated for once, generously by your client. You are hypnotised by him, though you know that you don't stand a chance with him. Yet somehow, you are found in his room and in his bed, wee bit naked. You are very well aware tha...