The Start of Finding Her

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I am now fast forwarding to when Liss is 16.

"How could you lie to me? How could you keep her letters from me?" Liss screamed at her grandparents.

"We were doing what was best for you darling" Sarah said calmly.

"What's best for me. Are you fucking joking. I was bullied because I thought she'd forgotten me. You know how much I needed her and wanted her in my life and all along you've been keeping us apart" Liss shouted sarcastically. 

"It wasn't like that Liss, we just wanted you to grow up normally and we knew her and her family would prevent that. We wanted you to have a chance" John tried to explain, all be it not very well. 

"14 years I've been without her. 14 years I've been without the one person I needed and wanted, and not because of her like I thought but because of you two and your selfish minds. I'll never forgive you" Liss ranted.

"We wanted to tell you sweetheart, but there was never a right time. And as you grew older it became harder" Sarah said getting all flustered. 

"You shouldn't have torn us apart anyway let alone for as long as you have. The least you could have done was tell me when I was old enough to understand" Liss yelled at the pair. 

"Don't forget we raised you Melissa from the age of 2. You're being a bit disrespectful now" Sarah said sternly, with John remaining quiet.

"Disrespectful are you kidding? It would have been her raising me if you hadn't had me taken from her under false pretense. Plus keeping it from me and her letters is disrespectful to me, did you ever think about that? No, I guess you didn't. You were too busy trying to get one up her that you didn't think about the effects on me or her in the long run." Liss said angrily. 

"The last letter was on your 16th birthday and even that was short. She probably has more kids now. She's probably only writing them to keep her conscience clear." Sarah snapped.

"My birthday was only 2 months ago and you want to talk about keeping your conscience clear when yours is probably a shit storm right now, unless you are lying about caring as well." Liss snapped. 

"Of course we care Melissa" John intervened.

"Please call me Liss, how many more times?" Liss bit back. 

"We don't like your mother's abbreviation for your name" Sarah hissed. 

"Its my choice and I like it, so deal with it" Liss hissed back. 

"Its not like you can write to her or ring her, you don't know where she is?"  John added. 

"That's why I'm going to find her and I'm going to do it without you." Liss said in a slightly less vicious tone. 

"Don't be so bloody ridiculous" Sarah bit back at her granddaughter. 

"I'm not being ridiculous, I want to be with my mum." Liss raised her voice again. 

"Well we won't allow it" John backed Sarah. 

"You can't stop me. I'll pack my bags if its what it takes to have my mum back" Liss shouted. 

"Don't you think you are being a bit melodramatic darling?" Sarah hinted. 

"No I don't actually, I'm going to pack my bags now and then I'm gone." Liss screamed before turning on her heel and storming up the stairs leaving John and Sarah at a loss for words. 

2 days later... 

Liss looked at her phone seeing 20 missed calls from her granddad, 10 from her grandmother and several text messages. She didn't want to know what they had to say, how could they do this to her, to her mum? Liss flicked through her mother's letters hoping there would be a clue as to where she might be, when she saw something that might be of use. It was in a letter dated back to when she was 8. 'If you ever find yourself in Holby, let me know. I'd love to see you Liss. I  miss my baby girl'. It was a long shot that she'd still be there as it was 8 years ago but it was the only thing she had to go on. Liss took out her purse to see if she'd have enough money to get to Holby, it was around a 5 and a half hour drive from her. Maybe she could get the train instead. Liss rushed to the train station. It'd cost her almost every penny she had in her purse to get this train to Holby but it was the only connection Liss had to try and find her mum so she took the risk. 

Liss felt someone tapping at her shoulder. "Sorry to bother you miss but I noticed you are going to Holby and didn't want you to miss your stop" a man sat opposite Liss spoke. "Oh thank you" Liss said sleepily before getting up from her seat just as the train was coming to a halt. Liss hopped of the train and watched it leave the station before leaving the platform to try and find her way out.  

By the time Liss had walked to the center of Holby she was exhausted and hungry. She saw a text from her granddad that didn't seem to be one of anger. It read 'check your bank account. I am sorry'. Liss turned and saw a cash point, she hurried over to it and put in her card. Liss stared at her balance in disbelief. Her granddad had given her money in order for her eat and stay in hotels. Liss pulled out her phone and taped on her granddad's contact. 'Hi Gramps, thank you for the money'. She immediately received a reply. 'You deserved it sweetie, just let me know if you need anymore. I really do hope you find your mum. We should have never come between the pair of you and I am truly sorry. If you do find her say hi and I'm sorry from me' . Liss smiled before withdrawing some money and setting off in search of a hotel and somewhere to eat. 

Liss strolled into a fancy looking hotel as it was the first once she'd come across and she was so tired. Liss looked around, there seemed to be an evening party going on. Liss stared at them in ore while also going towards the front desk but she ended up accidentally bumping into someone and making them spill their drink. "Oh I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking" Liss fumbled. "Its quite alright. If you don't mind me asking, are you on your own? You don't look old enough" the man asked. "I was always taught not to trust strangers" Liss stated. "Very wise that" the man said with a chuckle. Liss watched him walk over to where the evening party was going on, little did she know she'd just met her mum's husband and her step dad, Jacob Masters and also that her mum was also in the hotel. 

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Hope you like it! Xxx

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