A Secret

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Liss went straight to her room and sat on her bed. She brought her knees up to her chest and buried her face in them. She tried to hold in her sobs but it was too hard, she couldn't hold it together any longer. Connie came into the room and hurried over to Liss. Connie pulled her daughter into her. Liss didn't fight her, she had no energy to. "All I ever needed was you, my mum. Nobody listened to me" Liss cried. "I know baby, but I'm here now. Nobody's going to take me away from you I promise. We are together now" Connie tried to reassure her daughter. "Will you tell me about dad?" Liss asked. 

"Your dad was simply wonderful. He was the one who helped me through my parents deaths, the one who stuck by me when I was put into foster care, when I became pregnant with you he was over the moon, you were already his little princess. He use to go out every night at 6pm on the dot to buy me Ben and Jerry's all because of the one time I was having cramps and I begged him to get me some. He use to kiss my stomach and talk to you for hours, you always kicked me harder when it was him doing the talking. When you were born, he waited on me hand and foot, he wouldn't let me do anything. You always were a mumma's girl though. He'd pretend to get upset when you didn't want to give him a hug and you'd always feel sorry and go give him one to make him feel better before rushing back to me. He use to sit with you watching Disney, like him and I had done on many of our dates. Whenever you were ill and wanted to sleep with me he'd give you his side of the bed and he'd sleep on the floor, even though there was plenty of room for all three of us. He cuddled you when you were sad because I'd got pneumonia and could barely breath, let alone do anything that I'd normally do with you. He really was an amazing dad, and a brilliant partner. I didn't think I'd find anyone else after he died. When you were taken from me, I felt like my whole life had disappeared. When I met Jacob, it all started to change, it began to go right again. Jacob always knew that part of me was missing, a part of my heart was lost, because it belonged to you, my baby girl."  

"But wasn't that part filled when you had Grace, Louisa and Matthew?"

"No, that part of my heart was yours, and always will be yours" 

Liss smiled up at her mum. Connie tucked a loose strand of hair behind Liss's ear and smiled back down at her. "You know I love you baby, don't you?"

"How could I not, you tell me all the time mumma"

"I just never want you to forget it princess" 

"Not likely" 

Liss curled up beside her mum and closed her eyes. She finally had her mum back, but she knew she couldn't hide her secret forever. The secret that scared her, haunted her. The secret that only Sarah knew because she was the one their when she'd found out herself. She'd always wanted her mumma's love and support rather than Sarah's but now she did, she was worried her mum would leave if she found out because of the fear of loosing her daughter again, but this time for good...

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