Running Away...

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She sat, shaking, struggling to breath, her small frame, barely visible,as it curled into itself on a large rock by the edge of a huge pond. Her waist length hair, which was usually a vibrant orange was disguised a dirt brown and matted with layers of dirt, cascaded down covering most of her white china looking face in waves. The filth covering her face contrasted greatly with her ill looking porcelain complexion. Her clothes, which were stained with an unhealthy amount of dried crimson blood, were ripped to shreds and looked as if she had been on the losing end of a battle with a hawk, they had lost all of their original colour making the scarlet patches stand brightly against them. But despite the clothes that were hanging off of the seemingly lifeless body, even in the ebony black of the night, you could still see the startling emerald green eyes that pierced through the darkness.

Those eyes, unforgettable to even those with no soul, they held the pain and truth of the world. They say that eyes are the path to the souls, and in this case they were not wrong. These eyes could show someone a whole life story. They held the years of torture, they were as easy to read as an open book, yet somehow they hid something, a secret, and it was big secret, a secret that was never to be heard by a living soul. Those eyes held knowledge, knowledge that someone so young should not know, knowledge of a lifetime. Her eyes were wise, but she looked no older that six, she couldn't be older, surely.

Her sight was blurred as the tears gathered only to fall rapidly from her eyes. Her legs had collapsed from under her after the hours she had spent running from her tormentors, the very few people she thought that she should be able to trust unconditionally, that she would always be able to depend upon undoubtedly. Her family, Eliana's family.

Eliana woke early the next morning to the singing of birds in the trees and a dull aching pain all over her body. After opening her eyes, she blinked a few times giving them time to adjust, she finally started to observe her surroundings. She realised some of the pain was due to the large jagged rock she was currently laying on and the rest was due to the scarring events of the previous night. A magnificent waterfall surrounded her, the water looked like it was falling elegantly from the sky. The early morning sun was beaming harshly through the giant branches of the tallest trees, hitting the water, making it glisten and twinkle like the stars, the reflection leaving beams of light to hit the leaves and earth around her. The sky was almost clear of clouds showing the pure blue. The few clouds that hovered in the sky were grouping together observing and overlooking the land as they slowly drifted watching everything that happened beneath them. The clear water crashed against the rocks from the waterfall above before coming extremely calm, not a ripple was to be seen towards the edges of the pond where she lay. She closed her eyes for a while, letting the rushing of water and the twittering of the birds calm her and slow her heartbeat to a normal rate, before she finally got her head straight and her mind out of the clouds and took the opportunity of the water to clean off as well as she could in a pond, but anything would be better than the current state of her.

She took of her torn clothes, leaving on just her underwear, being only slightly mindful of the fact that there could be someone around. She dipped her clothes into crystal clear liquid, attempting to off the dirt and blood, however she was only able to clear some off, still leaving the clothes permanently stained. Eliana then proceeded to squeeze water out and hang the damp clothes up over a tree branch, leaving them to dry as she cleaned herself. She took off her underwear, submerging herself deeper into the water quickly and scrubbing desperately scrubbing at her skin trying to clear off the filth, both metaphorically and physically, but in the process completely forgetting to be even slightly mindful of the countless amount of gashes and bruises that littered the canvas that was her body. She knew she would regret it later as she began to feel the what would later be excruciating and possibly satisfying pain. However, she paid close attention to the carefully placed cuts and fading scars that lined her arms in careless patterns and words. She cleaned these carefully before going completely underwater, roughly yanking her fingers through her matted hair, struggling to un-knot it or clear it of any twigs, leaves and dirt. After taking her time, making sure that her clothes had enough time to dry, she got out of the water, that was still somehow clean despite the amount of filth that came off of her, and redressed herself hurriedly.

Now that Eliana was at least partially clean and fully dressed, you could see more clearly her amazing ginger hair, and her pale white skin was even more obvious without the thick layers of dirt and grime that painted her body. You could clearly see her ribs jutting out and her stick thin limbs even with her enormous clothes that hang extremely loosely on her body and she had to keep pulling them up her shoulders and tie a knot on the waistline of her shorts .

She slowly started wandering through the endless amount of trees, looking in hopes to find some kind of human civilization. After what seemed like hours of walking but was truthfully only 10 minutes, she eventually came across some kind of park, she kept on walking only to come across a small cafe, sitting on the paint scratched wooden bench that was outside the cafe for no apparent reason and seeming pointless, she let her mind wander. At first Eliana let it wander to small things, like if there was actually anyone around or in the park as she had not yet seen another human soul, and the small cafe had not yet been opened. She also thought "was anyone actually looking for her,but probably not, they wouldn't care, she was only a  fat worthless slut". Okay maybe these were slightly more important and dark. They could be extremely dangerous and were the reason for many of the scars and cuts that littered her body. And as much as she knew it was a bad and dangerous place to let her mind go, she couldn't help but let it go there and she had no choice but to let her demons consume her mind and envelope her every thought turning them all to insults, she had no power over them, she knew that they had complete control of her and could make her do anything, anything that they wanted her to, no matter how dangerous it may be. They would force her to do it. And she wanted to fight them, she wanted them to stop, but she was to weak. She was not strong. She was helpless. She could never be like her idol. Her idol Demi Lovato. Demi was a warrior.



So guys that is the first chapter, I hope you like it, I don't think it's the best but that's okay I hope it gets better

Stay Strong x

-Aria x

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