What ?

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I woke up with a thud, startling as I hit the floor. I opened my eyes giving them a minute to adjust to the blinding lights. My hand reached up, attempting to grab onto something to haul myself up but only made contact with a soft grip-less material. The weird grip-less thing was replaced by something which felt like a hand and I suddenly pulled back, my eyes widening as I caught sight of the stranger in front of me.

Thoughts flooded my mind up until I remembered blacking out. I shuffled back cautiously, all my weight falling painfully into my wrist and it was only then I noticed shooting pain going through my arm and the throbbing in my head.

"Sweetheart" broke through my thoughts. "Sweetie, are you okay?"

There it was that question again. I zoned out again and started taking in my surroundings. There was a large tv playing what looked like a crime show a few couches laying around along with an armchair and a small table sat in the middle of the room, my back leaning against it. Through a small walkway I could glimpse at what seemed to be a kitchen. I realised what I had fallen off must have been the couch next to me and painfully yet quickly managed to drag myself behind it. The character who I remembered to be Demi leant over, bombarding me with questions. Well not exactly bombarding but even just one question was bombarding to me.

"Stop" I felt it come out of my mouth before my brain had a chance to process it. I had realised by now that I must be in her house and I felt strangely trapped. Yes I know what you're thinking, I would do anything to even meet her let alone be in her house and having her help me, I would tell her all my deepest darkest secrets, all my passions and desires. But I'm not that person. I don't just open up like that, I have trained my self to constantly have up my barrier and these walls were not coming down anytime soon.

I felt a gentle nudge on my shoulder and felt myself curl up for protection, falling back into my memories, unable to be aware of what was actually happening.

I started screaming as my dad beat me, tearing through my clothes with his belt before ripping them off altogether and starting all over again. I somehow managed to zone out thinking of my brother my innocent little brother who thankfully was safe now. At the moment at least, I was doing this for him, I couldn't let him get hurt. I thought of all the good times where I had taken him to the park and he dragged me straight to the slide, positioning me exactly where he wanted, commanding me not to move in his half developed sweet voice before climbing carefully to the top and sliding back down. I always brace to catch him despite the fact that he didn't weigh a thing. I would swing him around like we hadn't a care in the world then we would repeat the process so many times more before I would take him over to the swing and he would beg me to keep swinging him higher and higher so that he could reach the sky. That was what he believed anyways. It was always fun when we could escape to the park, when I could pull him out of the house and escape the nightmares. I only hoped they would be nightmares he wouldn't remember when he grew up. He's safe now though. In heaven, where they can't get him anymore. I will never get to see him again, never get to see him grow up and I will never get to be that overprotective sister who threatens to beat up anyone who poses as a threat to him. They killed him and I wasn't even there to stop them, they knew what they were going to do, that's why they sent me out to the shops to get them groceries. They didn't need groceries they just wanted me gone whilst they got rid of him. They weren't at the house when I got back and neither was Jaime, but when they came back he wasn't with them. They had smug little smirks on their faces, they were proud of themselves. They killed an innocent child and they were gleaming. They just needed to get rid of me next and while I wouldn't have minded dying, I did mind dying at the hands of my parents. They didn't even deserve that name mom, dad. They weren't worthy and that's why I ran. Ran as far away as I could but they caught me in the night until I turned up at the waterfall. When I collapsed and they probably thought I was dead anyway, running off into a forest. And here's where I ended. In the arms of Demi Lovato herself, crying my eyes out with her rocking me gently and whispering soft assurances in my ear which truthfully did everything to help.

Then I leapt back to reality, I was now cradled against Demi's back, her soft fingers running through my matted hair and her gentle rocking almost lulling me to sleep. My breathing soon calmed but the tears wouldn't stop. You'd thing I would be out of tears by now. Her soft whispers turned into questions and once again I felt like I was being interrogated.

"Are you okay?" Yes of course I am, nothing to worry about, I'm perfectly fine, don't worry about me I'm just crying my eyes out for no apparent reason.
That's what I willed my brain to say anyway, well some of it maybe not all of it.

"No." And that is what I actually said. So much for those ever so strong barriers.
Stupid mouth, never listening to me.

"What's wrong?" And here we go again. (anyone else or am I just that sad)

"Nothing." Great I just blatantly lied to my idol, and it wasn't even believable. Stupid me doing stupid things, how dare I? 

I jumped off her lap, careful not to hurt her and made my way to the first door I saw. Which did not actually happen to be the front door, but actually the door to the laundry room. Way to make a situation that much more awkward El.

"Where's the front door?" I asked trying not to seem as desperate as I actually was and trying my hardest to keep a calm(ish) exterior. Pretty successful if I do say so myself. And I do say so myself.

"You're not leaving." She told me. Ah fu*k. She wanted answers didn't she. And I didn't have an escape route planned. There was a window to my right and a door to my left. The window was closed and there was no way that I was going to be able to open it in time for her not to catch me and the door didn't look like it had a lock on it, but then again, I could always hold it shut with my weight or push something against it if I really needed.

I ran. Sprinted through the door with her watchful eye on me the whole time and before she could react I was almost at the door already, closing it tight and holding it shut, putting as much pressure on it as possible.


She somehow managed to pull it open before I could push something in front of it. That was the moment that I realised my mistake.
It may or may not have been a pull door and I was now on the push side. Which meant that no matter what I did unless there was a lock on it I could not keep it shut .

And hence me lying helplessly in the ground, in the doorway, at The Demi Lovato's feet.


So hey. I finally updated, I was just like I should probably be revising for my GCSE's which start in 4 weeks but nah who needs that I'd rather write in my own book. This kinda counts as English revision.      Anyway,          yayyyyyyy.
Thanks for reading .
Stay Strong x
-Aria x

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