Texas Part 2

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Once I had made my way out of the crowd I found a small gap a little away from the stalls, I continued singing for a while, maybe an hour or so hoping to get a some more money before I made it to the nearest pharmacy.

I walked for roughly half an hour before I came upon a small shop, I entered anxiously, it was well lit but seemed almost empty besides a lady sitting behind the counter towards the back. I shuffled around the cramped isles searching specifically for water,  a small fist aid kit and some extra bandages, I could also do with a backpack but I couldn't see myself finding one here and I knew I'd need to make a little more money before that was possible. I couldn't help but feel I looked suspicious as I wondered around the shop, I suppose it's not often that a young girl comes in looking as rough and blood covered as I was, this only motivated me to move around faster so I could leave the shop soon and be forgotten.

After grabbing the few things I urgently needed I cautiously approached the counter and placed down my things, the lady sat in front of me seemed to be giving me concerned glances and looked like she wanted to say somthing though I'm grateful that she didn't, I'm not sure I would know how to respond in a way that she wouldn't call the police or a hospital on me. As she rung up my items I shuffled around on my feet, very much aware of myself and how long it seemed to be taking, though that could just be the anxious thoughts wondering around my head and dragging things out. As soon as she placed my items in a bag and handed over my change I walked quickly out of the pharmacy and made my way as far away as possible, keeping in mind not to go anywhere near there again as to not raise any more suspicion to the lady.

I soon found myself in another forest and wondered a short way in to come across a small creek which would help me clean up the blood spotting through my clothing and would allow me to bandage my stomach. I knew using the creek water wasn't a good idea to use to clean the actual cuts as I would be risking more infection and at a time like this that wasn't something I was willing to put on the line, I couldn't afford to go to hospital.

It didn't take me too long to clean my clothes so I rung the excess water out of them and hung them over a low down branch to dry for a little while. It was at this time that I became more aware of the pounding in my head and the persistent dizziness as I had been moving around. I leant myself against a shaded tree, thinking about how often I was finding myself in this predicament as I slid myself down and closed my eyes to block out some of the light. I only allowed myself to sit there for around another 30 minutes before dragging myself back into a stand, using the tree to regain my balance, I quickly threw my now dry T-shirt on and began to walk aimlessly through the woods.

I didn't know which direction I was going in, I could only guess that I was going away from the city where I found the shops as I followed the creek.
My mind wandered as I walked, I had no idea what to do next, I knew no one who wouldn't take me back to my family and even if I did I was now miles away in an entirely different city, I also doubted anyone of them was actively looking for me so I wouldn't have a hard time avoiding them. I'd also escaped Demi and she had probably forgotten all about me by now so there couldn't be too much trouble, though I couldn't help but think about how things could be if I told her the truth, about my parents and everything. Life could've been better, I'd already ruined that chance, i turned down one of the very opportunities that every Lovatic could ever wish for. I was however concerned with where i was going to stay and how I was going to be able to afford the resources that I would need to survive. 

Would it even be worth it? Surviving that is. I have no need to be here, I could just end it and save everyone else the hassle of myself, I wouldn't be able to burden anyone if I wasn't here and I would, in a way, be saving me from myself and god knows I needed that. The thought of suicide wasn't knew to me, it was something that didn't often leave my head, always a subconscious thought as it had been for the past few years. Every so often I think it could look up and get better but its pretty hard to keep that mindset when you're being locked in a house with two people who hate your very guts and enjoy reminding you of that fact every chance that they get. We'd both tried, my parents and I, to halt my existence on this earth but alas we had been unsuccessful and so I am forced to carry on, only hoping that things would get better.

Sorry  everyone for how long it has taken me to update, because it has taken so long there may be a few inconsistencies but feel free to point them out and i will try to change them so that it all matches up again . I'm hoping to update more regularly again as where i live it has just been announced that we are going into a second lockdown starting Thursday so i might have aloft more time on my hands again and I'd forgotten how much I actually enjoy writing , no matter how bad and I haven't done it properly one over a year.
Sorry again for the wait but i hope you're all enjoying  and continue to read on.
Than you for all of the support
StayStrong x
Aria  xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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