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My eyes were heavy and felt like they were stuck together, unable to pull apart. There was a constant beeping sound that seemed to be resounding in my head and causing a painful throb, I wanted to tell it to just leave me alone but I couldn't seem to speak. My mouth was dry and there was a rough scratching in my throat. My body ached and there was a harsh stinging sensation on my stomach. The floor beneath me was hard and irritating, it made my head feel heavy and I could feel my spine hitting against it.

I dragged my eyes open slowly only to be blinded slightly by the harsh lights around me. The tree I found myself to be laying against was providing almost no shelter but was a support against my side and I was able to use my little strength to pull myself into a sitting position.

I needed to move, to get out of here where nobody could find me, not my parents, not Demi, not the bullies at school, I needed to escape and start new, but I didn't know how, I had no money, I had no family and even if I did they would only give me back to my parents. Maybe I could go to an orphanage, they would take me, they would protect me right? Could I risk it? If I could get out of town, maybe into a different city then I could find somewhere there, I would tell them that I didn't have a family and that I needed somewhere to stay, they wouldn't have much of a choice surely. I wasn't entirely sure how all of that stuff really worked but I could hope. It wasn't like anyone was looking for me so as long as I stayed hidden and out of notice I would be able to leave.

A harsh stinging sensation pulled me from my thoughts and I realised that I had drifted again, this was really a habit that I needed to stop before it put me in danger. I stood up, leaning against the tree to steady myself and pull myself together. I slowly stepped and looked around, trying to get my bearings and figure out which way was towards the city. I had decided that from there I would be able to follow signs and roads to get myself out of town. I should only need to get out to the next city or so where I would be able to go unnoticed and get help.

I found a rough outline of the forest, or at least a clearing where more of the light was shining through and started heading towards it slowly and carefully, ignoring the dull aching of my head and the consistent wooziness that clouded my mind and lead me off track. I couldn't fall over or trip and stumble as it might lead to me landing harshly on my wrist and the constant throbbing was already bothering me. I needed to find some money and a pharmacy so that I could properly take care of my arm. I knew that my coping mechanisms weren't healthy and could lead to more bad than good but in the moment it was what I needed, it was only afterwards that I knew I needed to take care of it and attempt to prevent any infection. I was careful in that way. I knew that I wouldn't be able to go to a hospital, that would lead to me being found and ending up back with my parents and currently and as it probably would be forever, that was my worst fear.

Eventually I made it to the road and followed it until I was able to find a sign that would tell me which direction to go. I had absolutely no idea where about I was or even which city I was close to. I knew that Demi was in LA, California but with my serious lack of technology or ability to get on social media I had no idea where she may be at the moment, she might be on holiday somewhere. She took me to a house of a decent size, it wasn't giant mansion kind of size just not small as a normal family house would be. I knew that I didn't live far from Dallas, Texas though so that would be a perfectly logical explanation, I don't even know why my first thought was LA. Though, saying that, my parents never had really let me out of the house and so I didn't even know the area in which we lived.

Anyway, back to the point, I followed the road until I found a road sign that pointed Dallas, Texas in 1 mile. I didn't know how far that was to walk but also couldn't turn back and follow the road in the other direction, especially knowing that I lived quite close to Dallas but not in it, so rightfully speaking I should be safe here, though I also could go to the next city over. I didn't really know what to do, my sense of direction was terrible and I had almost no idea where I was, or how close to my parents I could be. The only thing I knew was that I was close to Dallas and so thought that the most logical thing to do would be go there. I'm sure they have some sort of orphanage somewhere, though I could always try living and providing for myself to start with, if it works out I wouldn't even have to bother anyone. It shouldn't be that difficult to find shelter, food and water, I could always dance or sing for money, it had always been something that I wanted to do.

I think that's what I'll do, start by finding somewhere that looks the safest then maybe set out some sort of camp. After that I can find a mall and start singing for money. With that decision and my mind made up I set off towards Dallas, fearing what the future would bring.

Thanks for reading, I know it's a bit everywhere and a lot later than I promised but I've been coming to terms with some stuff and reaching out to my friend who is not in the best place right now.
Likes and comments are much appreciated and I would be grateful for any constructive criticism.

Stay strong x

-Aria x

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