Just One (it is a song)

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*Just One (it is a song)

One cut

One slice on my wrist and ill be fine

One burn

One scratch and my sadness will be gone

I can be happy

The voices will leave me alone

I can live and be

free from this misery

The smile won't have to be forced

And I can finally open my door

To trust to

Finally let someone in

And be happy again

Oh why is so hard to see the pain behind my eyes

Do you just chose hurt me

Physically and emotionally

I'm not a doll

You can't just hurt me and expect me to be fine

I have feelings

I have a mind

I can see behind these little games

But maybe if I

Oh One cut

One slice on my wrist and ill be fine

One burn

One scratch and this sadness will be gone

Will this make me happy again?

Will I finally be fine?

If not

I can always say goodbye

Oh just say goodbye

But one cut

Once slice and all this pain will go away

One burn

One scratch and I won't fake that smile anymore

Maybe Ill die fighting

But at least I'm still alive

Please don't be disappointed in me

But one word

One fight ill break down and die

And eventually

ill say goodbye

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