The Heartbeat Book

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When Doctor Malcolm, Doctor Camilla, Sawyer and Marshall returned. Miracle and Regina lined up at the stairs. Marshall rushed up the stairs and slammed the door to his room.

"What happened?" asked Miracle grabbing a bag from the Doctor's

"I haven't the foggiest" said Sawyer


Marshall sat on the bow window he had slept in the night before. His knees were drawn to his chest, his eyes gazed out the window watching the Scottish wind blow.

The face of the figure had stirred up emotions that Marshall couldn't place. He'd definitely seen him somewhere before.

"But where?" he thought

Suddenly a chime resounded around the house and Marshall zipped downstairs.

Marshall opened the door and saw the hooded figure.

"Sign please" said the figure in a voice completely different

"Marshall took the P.E.N in his hand and placed his thumb on it:

"Marshall Scott or Scarborough DNA confirmed, please scan Doctor Camilla and Doctor Malcolm and Sawyer" It said

"Hey Roger" said Doctor's Camilla and Malcolm

"Hello- hey can you guys donate to the bank?" asked Roger

Marshall blinked and the figure changed into a geeky lanky red eyed vampire. He had a blonde hair tradition pale skin pointed ears and over bites of canines.

"Oh you need Sawyer's too. Let me get him" said Doctor Malcolm

"ROGER!" exclaimed Miracle "You got our route" said Miracle

Marshall caught the disdain before Roger

"Yeah" He said

If vampires could blush Roger would be beet red.

"Oh Roger this is Marshall he'll be attending VU in a couple weeks" said Doctor Camilla shooting Miracle a look.


Meanwhile in the hidden training room Sawyer was practicing his telekinetic powers out. Suddenly his concentration was broken by a knock.

"Entree" He said

"Sawyer, Roger needs your signature!" said Doctor Malcolm

"Why didn't you say that before" said Sawyer

Doctor Malcolm looked confused

"I can read mind" said Sawyer tapping his temples

"Right" said Doctor Malcolm


"What are your powers?" asked Roger

"I don't know" said Marshall

"Roger! Buddy old pal, old fellow geek of mine!" said Sawyer

"Ow" said Marshall as a spark of energy slammed across his brain.

"Oh telekinetic in the house" said Sawyer slamming his thumb on the P.E.N

"That means nothing and you know it!" said Miracle as a fireball appeared in her hands

Marshall's palms tingled as opened them, a fire ball expanded coating his entire hand.

"Wha- cool" said Sawyer

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