Who are you?

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Jimin POV
This is the 2nd day and she hasn't reply my chat yet. I don't know why I'm so into this girl, Hyerin. I'm quite disappointed since she didn't reply my chat yet. I'm keep looking at my phone and hoping for her to reply.

Tae: I saw on these 2 days, you keep looking on your phone more than usual. Why? Look like you're waiting for something?

Me: hmm. Yea but it still doesn't happen yet.

Tae: what's it?

Me: you know what. I think I'm nonsense now. Is it fine if I fall for a fan? I mean I'm so into her right now.

Tae: woah. Since when?

Me: Busan fansign.

Tae: your hometown girl? Really? Why so..

Me: sudden? Yea I know. I think I know her and I've seen her before but I don't know when and where. She's so familiar to me.

Tae: how old is her?

Me: I didn't ask her. But one thing! I know her friends. Her 3 friends. They're Jihyun's classmates.

Tae: why don't you ask them or maybe Jihyun.

I look at Tae. He's right.

Me: why I never thought that? Thanks chingu!

I take my phone and look for Jihyun's contact. I try to call him but it can't be reach. I text him.

" Text or call me if you're not busy. I need you. "

After a few hours, Jihyun finally reply Jimin's text.

Jihyun: " why? What's the thing that you need me? "

Me: " finally you reply me. Where have you been? "

Jihyun: " study. why hyung? "

Me: " in your class, is there any army? "

Jihyun: " why? You're trying to visit the school? "

Me: " can you just answer my question? "

Jihyun: " of course there are army in the class "

Me: " do you know or did army told you that they're coming to the fansign few days ago? "

Jihyun: " yes some are going. "

Me: '' who?! "

Jihyun: " well some of them "

Me: " just tell me who "

Jihyun: " you school here before and you might know your own schoolmate. Don't you recognise any of them? Every fans told their name right? "

Me: " yes they did and yes I did recognise some people. Actually three "

Jihyun: " so they're the one. Why you ask me if you know? "

Me: " are they the only one that go to BTS fansign? "

Jihyun: " you said they're three. Actually they're 4. And yes they're the only one that could go because they're truly fan "

Me: " ahhh so she's your classmate? "

Jihyun: " she who? 4 of them are she "

Me: " Kim Hyerin? "

Jihyun: " ahh that girl. Yea she is. Okay hyung. I'm busy "

I end up the message there. So she's in the same class as my brother. this is make the thing become easier. I go to the sns again and give her a message again.

Hyerin POV
there's nothing I'll do after study so sns will be the place I spend my time. Looking for Jimin's photos, videos and everything about him. I haven't check the messages that I got on sns.

That night, I feel wanna check it. I open up the message and I got a few messages from an account. That make me wanna open it because the account user using Jimin's photo. I read the messages.

" hi. Can we be friend? I love your account "

" are you busy updating about Jimin until you didn't notice my message? "

" you must be a big fan of Jimin "

" You seem familiar to me. Can't you gimme your phone number? "

The last message he gave me make me a bit shock.

" Kim Hyerin. When will you reply me? "

Who's this? The question popped out in my mind. Why the user know my name? I never told my name on this fansite. I reply the chat right away.

" who are you? How did you know my name? "

Jimin POV
I'm just done with fansign and now we're heading back to the dorm. My phone vibrate and look at it. I smile when I saw it. She reply me after a few days..

" who are you? How do you know my name? "

Of course I knew you. I've met you. I say it to myself. Then, I reply her.

Me: " you're the one that tell your name to me "

She: " did we met before? "

Me: " yes we do. You're beautiful "

She: " who are you? "

Me: " the one that you like and love "

She: " tell me who are you? "

Me: " give me your number and I'll tell you who am I "

She: " no way "

Me: " you know me. You really did. "

She: " then tell me who are you? "

Me: " Park Jimin "

She: " ahhh you're a fan of him too. Okay. "

Me: " I'm really Park Jimin "

She: " you're not the first person that tell me the thing. I've met a lot before. Thanks for love and like him. Keep on supporting him and BTS as well. "

Me: " I'm him. I'm telling you the truth "

She: " okay. have great night. I'll update more about Jimin soon. Bye & thank you "

Me: " wait. I'm really him and I know you. I'm not kidding "

I'm waited for her to reply me but she doesn't. I'm starting to think. How many people said that he's Park Jimin and message her on sns? I'm not the first? Really?

Hyerin you make a big mistake. I'm really the real Park Jimin. How can you just ignored me? I failed. I need to go to sleep now and I'm thinking what will make her notice that the real Park Jimin really notice her.

Me: how can I make her know that I've noticed her more than anyone else? What should I do?

I'm thinking then..

Me: the gift!

I looked up for the gift that she gave me during the fansign. I found it and I open it up. It's a sweater. Nice gift. I know what to do next.

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