Memorable Day in Life

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Hyerin POV
It was an autumn wedding in the late afternoon. We’d have a small group of close family and friends dressed beautifully and wait at the church. Being told to me,on either side of the aisle, they sat on the pew.

Soohyun: Okay, okay Hyerin, you need to breath. Can you do that for me??

Soohyun as one of my bridesmaids asked. She's there with me instead of being with BTS since she's their stylist. Only five minutes remained before I go to the church from the hotel for my wedding; I was nervous just like the first time I went to the fansign to see him. Even more than that.

Me: I can breathe. I just need my grandmother’s necklace to calm down.

~ flashback ~

A day before we go to Busan for our wedding, my mom gave two necklace which is one is my grandma's necklace and one is a necklace that she bought special for me.

Mom: Eomma want you to wear the necklace that I bought for you but it will be more memorable if you can wear your grandma's necklace because I wear it too during my wedding long time ago.

Me: I would love to. I will eomma. Both of this are so nice.

Mom: Wear it on your wedding day.

Me: I will. Eomma must look great when you're wearing this on your wedding day at the past.

Mom: not as nice as you.

Me: thanks for the necklace eomma.

I put the necklace on the table while the necklace that my mom give as a gift, I wear it for awhile. I put the necklace in the suitcase right away.

~ end flashback~

My three friends looked at me wide-eyed.

Hana: Uh, Hyerin. about that.. we can't find it.

Me: What do you mean you can’t find my necklace! I can’t get married without it. It’s my grandma's necklace girls. My mom even wear it on her wedding day. No way.

Chaerin: Look. Everyone’s here had look for it. The wedding is about to start. I see Jimin photo waiting in his hotel room and he’s just as nervous as you. DO you really want to not marry the love of your life over a necklace?

I shook my head.

Chaerin: Good, because if you don’t marry him, I know plenty of women who would.

Me: Chaerin-ah...

Soohyun: now let's just wear this necklace. Because I think you left that necklace at your room.

She puts the necklace that my mom give me on the day she gave me my grandma's necklace. After that the girls told me that Jimin had go to the church. I haven't see Jimin since the day we arrive the hotel in Busan. We didn't stay at our house in Busan because of the distance between the church and our house. It's quite far so we prefer to stay at the hotel nearby.

When Jimin had left the hotel, it's my turn to left the hotel. The girls even told me that Jimin had arrive at the church and now he's entering the church to go to the altar. Hearing that make me even more nervous.

As I arrive, the priest came out and asked every to stand. It was my turn! All eyes would soon be on me. The flower girl lined the path with white rose petals as the music started. I only took two steps out before I was greeted by my dad.

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