There's an Angel in my Seat - Shin DongHo x Reader

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You walked into the coffee shop like you would every morning.

You would purchase the biggest Caramel Frappuccino and sit in your favorite window seat that no one ever wanted because it was so sunny.

Though everyone hated that seat you loved that seat, the sun was always so warm, the way it hit your skin and the way it warmed you up on the inside and the outside. It also let you be alone with your own raging stream of thoughts in your head.

You walked to the line and purchased the usual and watched as they followed the whole “personalization” feel and wrote your name on the cup. With your arms filled with folders for work, your laptop bag slung heavily on your shoulder and your Frappuccino in one hand with the straw in your mouth, you made your way to your seat in your short pencil skirt, black stiletto heels, tucked in dress shirt and bow tie.

But there was an angel in your seat.

You stood there, dumbstruck, looking at the filled seat.

There sat a boy with raven black hair with the cutest but most melancholic face. He had a natural pout on his face as he stared out the window lost in thought. He still hadn’t noticed you as you assessed what he was wearing. You did this naturally as you were a fashion designer, in training.

He wore a dress shirt, buttoned down 2 buttons, his sleeves rolled up, a grey vest and black dress pants. It was a very simple outfit, all neutral colors, but he somehow made it seem like he just walked out of a model shot.

He opened your mouth to say something but he just took the air out of your lungs. What was this? You had never quite had this feeling before. Sure, you’ve had your many interests over the years, but none of them made you feel like you were punched in the stomach while floating on clouds, millions of miles above Earth.

He reached for his drink and realized for the first time that you were standing beside his table.

“AH,” he screamed in shock and recoiled against the window behind him in surprise. You looked at him just as surprised as him, his scream had made you fall all the way back down to Earth from the clouds he had put you on.

You took a step back and you two continued to look at each other in shock.

After a few moments, the angel put his hand on his chest to still his racing heart, “Aish, chincha! You scared me!” he said under his breath.

Stabilizing yourself, you straightened up and looked at him grabbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. You couldn’t help but smile.

You managed to open your mouth to say something, anything, but he looked up at you again through his eyelashes and you were left there, several shades of red and again, without breath. Your mouth was frozen gaping open like an idiot.

You both suddenly started laughing at the awkward situation.

You were finally able to say something, but it was so quiet he didn’t seem to have heard since he was still looking at you expecting you to say something.

He chuckled, “You’re going to have to speak a bit louder than that.”

Wow. That was the first time he had opened his mouth besides when he screamed. His voice was sweet like chocolate…

You stuttered, “Y-You’re uh, in my seat,” you realized how childish that sounded as you mentally face palmed yourself, “I mean um, I usually sit there because no one likes it because of the direct sunlight…”

He looked outside again, “How weird, I like it because of the sunlight. It just warms you up inside and out,” he turned to you with a small smile on.

You stood there still. You had no idea what to do. You were starting to go into panic mode, what were you supposed to do? Should you just lea-

“Here, why don’t you sit here,” he said motioning to the booth seat in front of him, “there’s plenty of room for the both of us.” He avoided your eyes as he talked, there’s no way he was nervous, right?

You sat down and you two held a conversation about the sun and its warmth and how you both loved the warmth and life it gave off.

“You seem to be going to work, by the looks of your clothes,” he said looking you up and down making you blush a rose color, “where do you work?”

Work. Work? Work. Oh shit.

You grabbed your stuff quickly and turned around bowing in apology, “I’m so, so, so, sorry! I just realized I’m late for work! Hopefully I’ll see you around some time, um…”

“Dongho. My name is Dongho,” he said realizing neither of you had said either of your names.

You smiled, Dongho…

“Mianhe!” you screamed behind you as you ran out the exit of the coffee shop.

He yelled after you asking you your name, but you hadn’t heard.

He sat down in his seat and sighed heavily. He would never know. That was when he saw your conveniently named coffee cup.

He smiled, “What a beautiful name,” he thought, “I’ll make sure to be able to say it again one day.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2014 ⏰

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