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“How many times do I have to tell you watch where you’re going! Stupid girl” and Cho Hee gets pushed aside. “Ah, and you must be her new roommate?” spitting out the word her as if Cho Hee is some kind of hideous creature. 

“Yes! I’m ___” you introduce yourself and reach out your hand. She looks down at it only to laugh at your gesture. 

“I don’t care. As long as you remember that I’m Mi Cha and that you have to stay out of my way or I’ll make your life a living hell” she scoffs. 

You shrug, not impressed by her big talk. “Whatever” you say while walking up to Cho Hee who’s rubbing her arm. “Are you okay?” She nods, looking terrified. 

“What’s that? You try to talk back at me?” Mi Cha walks up to you, trying to intimidate you. 

“Take one more step and you regret pushing her” you threaten. 

It’s not like you’re always like this when people bother you, it’s just that Mi Cha has this really annoying vibe and pushing Cho Hee wasn’t really a clever move either. It’s too early to call her a friend but it’s getting there, and she didn’t deserved to be treated like that. If there’s one thing you’ve learned the last couple of years in a hell that’s called High School it’s standing up for yourself – or the persons you care about. So that’s what you did – and what you’re doing right now.

Mi Cha hisses. “Who do you think you are?” she mumbles and walks away. She stops at her door only to give you a dead stare once again. “You’re not getting away with this” and disappears into her room.

Cho Hee looks at you with wide eyes. “Whoa! I can’t believe you did that! You’re so brave~.”

You chuckle. “No I’m not. She’s bluffing.”

“No she’s not” Cho Hee’s voice squeaking. “She’s dead serious ___, be careful.”

Not really bothered by the idea of Ma Chi taking her revenge or something, you drag Cho Hee along so she can show you around. 

“Whoa, this place is huge!” you exclaim, spinning around trying to memorize where all the doors lead to. “I think today won’t be the last day I get lost” you pout, chuckling at your bad sense of direction.

“You’ll be fine! Oh, before I forget! Our music department holds a sort of concert tonight, you wanna join me?” she asks, almost flailing from excitement. 

Music department? Concert? Then it hits you.

“Ah! Is this kid Dongho in it?” you ask curiously, somewhere intrigued in this boy. 

“Yaaa! What are you-? What do- Uh, yes! How do you know him?” Cho Hee stutters desperately. 

“He tripped over my suitcase.” You chuckle at the memory.

“No! He’s bad news” Cho Hee cries, walking around in circles.

“Why? What do you mean?”

Cho Hee pulls you to the side, hiding in a corner – it’s not like someone else is in the room with you though. “He’s Mi Cha’s ex-boyfriend” she whispers as softly as possible. 

“And that makes him bad news cause..?” you ask, kind of irritated she doesn’t spill it out right away.

“He broke up with her and she wants him back. Every girl even looking at his direction will be tortured and haunted forever by her. They say people transferred from school because of her harassment.”

You laugh. “You make it sound like a bad horror movie Cho Hee. Besides, what can she do? It can’t be that bad.”

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